Daredevil Damien is a series of images that resulted in a meme containing the eponymous Damien doing a number of impossible stunts.
First posted on Reddit on the 23rd of August 2012,[1] user soundboy5010 posted an link, titled “My friend, Damien uploaded a picture of himself on facebook from a recent trampolining competition…” to an image that had resulted from friends altering the original image after his friend posted a picture of himself in mid-air after a recent trampolining competition. The page, now also on Imgur, garnered over 500,000 views in under 12 hours.[2]
soundboy5010 then provided the original image through a Reddit photoshopbattle page, which resulted in hundreds of new images[3]. A fan page quickly resulted on Facebook, containing the most popular images[4]. Derivatives and reposts were then found on Epic Lol [5] and and on Funny Junk [6], with the FJ post garnering over 4000 “Funny” ratings from 84,000 views.
[1] http://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/yox69/my_friend_damien_uploaded_a_picture_of_himself_on/
[2] http://imgur.com/gallery/BwSX8
[3] http://www.reddit.com/r/photoshopbattles/comments/yp697/photoshop_daredevil_damien/
[4] http://www.facebook.com/Damienexploited
[5] http://www.epiclol.com/trampoline-guy-is-a-torpedo/
[6] http://www.funnyjunk.com/funny_pictures/4035680/Trampoline/