The Chosen Four is a fan comic created by an artist known as Darrow. Featured on Starmen.net[1], the comic is a play-through version of the SNES RPG EarthBound/Mother 2. The plot focuses around the plot of the video game itself, along with some fan-based items added to it.
Some time in 2008, an artist going under the pseudonym Darrow on the Starmen.net forum[2], created a forum topic for his new comic called The Chosen Four. The first post featured the cover page and the first and second pages to the comic. Over time, more and more pages were added by Darrow, all being posted on the forum. Starmen.net staff would soon come across these comics and feature them as some of the best fan comics in their collection[1].
While the comic is focused on the plot of the video game, there are other items added to it to add more depth, humor, and emotion to the reader, such as breaking the fourth wall and showing the story from a more up-close third person point-of-view.
Current Developments
Darrow is currently still continuing the series. As of August 25, 2012, there have been 675 pages in the series, along with other small pages like chapter titles. The pages can be found on Starmen.net[1], Starmen.net forums[2], and on deviantART[3], where he goes under the name of “milliondollarham.”
External Links
[1]milliondollarham on deviantART