“Jimbles Notronbo” is an internet parody of Nickelodeon’s child television programme “Jimmy Neutron:Boy Genius”.The center of the meme,where it originated is Facebook.
The site admins usually put images from the TV show,or either found on the internet.They also like to reply to comments of users they find witty.
There are a lot of various,but unpopular,cultures the Fb page originated such as worshiping eggs and making user’s names sound very different from what they are;Example: Sarah Conn > sandal coppledong
His YouTube videos are also meant to be non-sensical and sarcastic as well as the comment section.Once when a girl posted a video called “Why helo it is i” (with “jimbles notronbo” in the decription),he made a video called “NOTJIMBLES” which made his fans bash “NOTJIMBLESNOTJIMBLESNOT…” all over the girl’s (moondog1997) account,and videos.
His fans call themselves “Jimbros”.
Since 9/9/2013 the Facebook page has accumulated 38,000 likes,and YouTube page has got 2,500 subscribers.
Jimbles Notronbo