Game Theory is a video game web series created by Matthew Patrick (also known by his internet alias MatPat) that analyzes various fan theories based around video games and the scientific accuracy of different video game worlds. It originates on YouTube under the channel name MatthewPatrick13[1] and has reached roughly 1,000,000 subscribers and 75,000,000 views as of December, 2013[2].
Online History
Game Theory started on April 18th, 2011, with a promo for the show being uploaded four days prior. The first episode focused on the accuracy of time travel in the game Chrono Trigger.
While the show’s early popularity grew at a slow pace, Game Theory started to gain a larger following when the series was uploaded to ScrewAttack[3] in January, 2012. One of his most popular videos of the time was his three-part video about the controversies of Pokémon.
Game Theory’s fan base started to grow rapidly in late 2012 and throughout 2013. One of his more recent videos about The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask, uploaded on November 9, 2013, reached over 2,000,000 views in under a month and is currently his most popular video on the channel.
MatPat has been known to endorse and promote fans of his, particularly those with similar shows on YouTube, since he started gaining popularity. In July 2012, Matthew Patrick partnered with fellow YouTubers Gaijin Goombah[4] and Digressing and Sidequesting[5], and features their videos on his channel. Collectively they are often referred to as The Game Theorists.
Gaijin Goombah
Gaijin Goombah’s show Game Exchange was created in April, 2012 and focuses on the cultural differences in video games. It looks into mythology and folklore to explain the origins of concepts and peculiarities from foreign games, particularly games linked to Japanese culture.
Digressing and Sidequesting
Digressing and Sidequesting is a show created by Ronnie “Oni” Edwards in December, 2011, that explores different aspects of game design and how they affect popular games, including Kid Iccarus, Super Mario Bros., and EarthBound.
External References
[1]YouTube-MatthewPatrick13’s channel
[2]Youtube-Why You Play Video Games-1 Million Subscriber Special
[3]ScrewAttack-Game Theory
[4]YouTube-Gaijin Goombah’s channel
[5]YouTube-DiggressingNSQ’s channel