You ain’t got the answers Sway! or You ain’t got the answers! was a popular phrase that people would blurt out when somebody made an assumption to something. It was short lived but was thought to be 2013’s year for the Kanye Interrupts/Imma Let You Finish.
Kanye was subsequent in coming up with another crazy meme this year. It was only a matter of time before he lost it and on Sway in the Morning he did just that.
Due to his clothing line dropping him. He was enraged and ready to burst. Making the recognizable quote come about.
It was later that fans and anti-fans alike ridiculed his behavior calling him “immature” or that “he’s overreacting.”
Along with the meme he was viewed as presumptuous and misguided. Saying every time-line and famous company that came to mind.
As expected. The internet created captioned pics and remix to go with it. Trying to keep the meme as alive as they could.
Kanye’s Response
At 20:11 Kanye touches on many subjects. Thanking fans, saying he’s been too crazy, his responsibilities he has, and..of course…Sway not having the answers.