VG Cats is a webcomic series hosted on vgcats.com, written and illustrated by Scott Ramsoomair. The series mainly focuses on the two feline protagonists known as Leo( full name- Leo Leonardo, The Third) and Ares. Though, many other characters are used for situational humor. The series mostly parodies video games but can often branch off into other forms of pop culture, parodying everything from movies, tv shows, internet phenomenon, and even anime.
According to Wikipedia, Scott began drawing the series due to boredom at work. The first VG Cats strip was released on September 1, 2001. Prior to taking the VGCats.com domain, the comic was hosted at www.vgcats.cjb.net. In 2006, Ramsoomair made a strip depicting creatures from Maxis’ video game Spore, and Maxis created a version of the strip replacing all the drawn characters with in-game versions, and sent him custom figurines of the creatures.
VG Cats has been nominated for several Web Cartoonists’ Choice Awards, winning 2 awards in 2005 and 1 in 2006. Including outstanding use of color and Outstanding Gaming Comic.
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