Jack Douglass is a YouTube personality that’s most notable for his Your Grammar Sucks series, his Jackask series, which is a cynical QnA answering genuine or sarcastic questions, and his newest GamerGod88 videos which take Lets Plays as a video sketch form.
As well as on again, off again. PMS (Parody, Music, Sketch)
Online History
Jack first started his YouTube career as many others did, as a hobby. His first video, The Handy Pen, recently has 244, 291 views.
His later videos may not have the same amount as now, but a “sleeper hit” Currently Jack has 3-4 series going on, along with parodies to tide over his biches until he gets the anticipated video out.
Jack is also Intern 2 from the MyMusic webshow created by TheFineBros.
Jack has accumulated 1.4 million subscribers, 151k likes on FaceBook, and 248k followers on Twitter.