The Fault in Our Stars is an American drama film based on the 2012 novel of the same name, which follows two teenagers who meet in a cancer support group and fall in love. Due to the popularity of the book and its author vlogger John Green, the movie generated a large amount of pre-release hype.
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It’s a Metaphor
It’s a Metaphor is a memorable quote from a dialogue scene in from a teaser for the upcoming 2014 teen drama film The Fault in Our Stars. Upon the release of the teaser in April 2014, this quote, which is said by the male protagonist Gus to analogize an unlit cigarette in his mouth to a test of will, spawned a parody photo fad and a photoshop meme on Tumblr.
#Johning is a Twitter based photo fad that involves posing for a picture while lying on the floor with one’s legs over the footboard of a bed and a laptop on the stomach. It is a parody of a photograph of young adult author and vlogger John Green published by Hollywood Reporter in May 2014.
Proud that I utilise the same writing position as NYT best selling author
realjohngreen. Try it at home! #Johning pic.twitter.com/ArAXKEzVVM</p>— Charlie McDonnell (
coollike) May 1, 2014