Yuri Goggles is a phrase usually referring to seeing or emphasizing lesbian relationships, generally within anime or manga, particularly if that was not the original intent of the work.
The phrase “Yuri Goggles” is claimed to be originated by Okazu founder Erica Friedman.[1] The definition of “Yuri Goggless” on the site’s website is: “A phrase coined by Erica for the process through which fans make Yuri where there is little or none in the actual series. Similar to “beer goggles,” Yuri goggles make a series or a couple seem more Yuri the higher you turn them up.” The usage of the phrase on the site dates back to at lest 2004, with the review of Madlax [2]
Various Examples
Search Interest
External References
[1]Okazu – Okazu glossary of terms
[2]Okazu – Yuri Anime: Madlax