Monster Girl Quest (also known as Monmusu Quest!, or MGQ for short) is an eroge series made by the company ToroToro Resistance. The game is a straight-forward RPG featuring different types of Monster Girls as the main point.
The story follows the journey of Luka, a boy who believes in the possibility of coexistence between humans and monsters. Thanks to a certain chain of events, Luka meets Alice, a lamia monster girl. After Luka tells her about his dream, she decides to join him on his journey in where, at the end, they both bring coexistence in the monster world.
Hora Hora
Hora Hora is a catchphrase from the Monster Girl Quest heroine Alipheese Fateburn XVI, mostly known as Alice. She is known for having the verbal tick “Hora, Hora, Hora”, specially during sex scenes with Luka.