“Someone who doesn’t watch X explain this”, can also be known as “someone explain this picture” it’s a phrase used by Tumblr user who post a picture of a scene, that it’s hard to understand out of context, which come from an animated series, TV show, or similar, and proceed to ask for an interpretation of said scene expecting a funny comment.
At November 12 of 2014, tumblr user “themaskednegro” posted an scene of a WWE match were the wrestler used an unnecessary amount of stairs, under the picture the user ask to someone who doesn’t watch wrestling explain that scene in which user “teadlek” answer with a fun comment describing the scene as “competitive light bulb replacement”
The original post could’t be found, but it’s capture at imgur has 5,251 points and 726,560 views
so far [1]
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As the post gain popularity, many Tumblr user started to use their pictures of an scene hard to describe out of context and asked for someone who doesn’t watch said series explain it [2], by example, user madohomos posted a series of an scene of the animated series Steven Universe, and made the question expecting for an hilarious description from someone unfamiliar with the cartoon, the user susurrationofthewind provided an answer that had gave him more than ten thousand notes at the moment [3]
Some Examples.
External references.
[1]– competitive lightbulb replacement