Fairy Tail is a manga series written and illustrated by Hiro Mashima, for the weekly shonen magazine. It takes place in the kingdom of Fiore, a magical world where magic flourishes,and mages are a common sight,.The plot revolves around Natsu Dragneel, a “Dragonslayer”, accompanied by his loyal companion “Happy”, a blue cat with the ability to fly. Natsu is on the search for his father Igneel(who ironically is a dragon himself). Natsu then bumps into an 18 year old girl named Lucy, whose dream is to be a mage of the famous mage clan “Fairy Tail”. Natsu being a member of the clan himself helps Lucy to fulfill her dreams, where afterwards we are introduced to more whacky characters with their own unique traits,and attributes.
Fairy Tail’s first volume was released on December 15th, 2006, and the anime adaptation for this series began broadcasting during 2009. Fairy Tail’s timeline is interlinked with another one of Hiro’s manga series known as Rave Master[1] but Fairy Tail had more appeal over Rave Master (probably because of it’s ecchi nature).
Fairy Tail had won over the hearts of many mangamaniacs, and it’s fifth volume had taken the seventh spot on a list of top ten manga, and by 2011, Fairy Tail had become the fourth best selling manga in Japan. It’s anime adaptation had also done extremely well, because the anime not only won “Best Anime Award” in 2010, but it also survived cancellation. The anime was originally intended to stop after the “Phantom Lord” arc, which is why Gildarts, the clan’s strongest mage was not mentioned until after the arc. Fans loved the anime so much that the animators decided to continue the show.
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External References
[1]Wikipedia – Rave Master