Prequel, also known as Making A Cat Cry: The Adventure is an ongoing interactive webcomic created by “Kazerad”.[1] Set in The Elder Scrolls’ universe, the story follow a Khajiit[2] named Katia Managan, who has come to Cyrodill from Hammerfell to start a fresh new life.
The webcomic first started off as a thread in the “MS Paint Adventures” forum, but due to it’s high popularity it had gotten it’s own site. It’s high popularity had also caused some performance issuses and downtime for the website.
The website lets the readers act as Katia’s subconscience, gives us the responsibility to make decisions for Katia, whether they are good or bad. But some times Bad orders are written off by Katia herself, as she is trying to make sure that readers don’t stray off from doing anything off topic, or something that doesn’t suit Katia’s personality. The website also gives mini games and animations to play as the reader progress further into the story to cover all the action. The site is also known for breaking the fourth wall from time to time, making it feel as if the reader is part of the story.
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Cat Jokes Set Everything Ablaze
Due to the Katia’s cat like appearance, she has been a subject to racist cat jokes, which usually either makes Katia cry or sets something within the area ablaze. The running gag became so popular that it became one of Katia’s defence method and inspired her to become a mage. The joke originated when two Elven “brothers” made a racist cat joke so sick that it lit up a candle.
According to Alexa the site has a global rank of 189,870, and an American rank of 61,624.