Star_ or Star underscore or Niichts (real name Steve Sarge is a youtube lets player and professional gamer and commentator, famous for his skills on the multiplayer FPS Team Fortress 2, as well as videos of the game using the “The Market Gardener” weapon, other type of content include extreme moding of games such as gta IV, co-op commentaries with lets players such as Jerma985[1] and Boo[2] and comedic gameplay games
Online History
Star_ uploaded his first video on Jan 22, 2011 in his channel “Niichts” titled “Being Careful: Team Fortress 2 [Tips]” (Shown below left) consisting of general tactics for playing team fortress 2, as well as another video on the same day about class basics and selection titled “Class Selection & Basics: Team Fortress 2 [Tips]” (shown below right).
After more video gameplays of tf2 were uploaded star_’s videos featured more antics and unusual gameplay, playing with irregular loadouts, binding “s” to explode, gameplay on modded servers and showing his market gardener skills and co-op gameplays with jerma.
His more popular video showcases him drunk playing soldier on plr_hightower killing snipers using the suicide taunt of the “Equalizer”[3] combined with the glitch[5] to not die by said taunt caused by the 0 damaged by own explosives stats of the “rocket jumper”[4], as well as other unusual occurances in the server, the video was uploaded on May 2, 2012 and currently it has 2,328,526 views and 29,917 likes
jerma also known as Jerma985 is a lets player and friend of star_ often the two post videos of them playing a variety of games together on their different channels.
On June 26, 2013 Star_ uploaded a video titled “TF2: Ruiner of Fun”(shown below left) in which star_, disguising as a normal player, interrupts a video shooting by jerma by killing him multiple times upseting him, the series continued with a sequel titled “TF2: Jerma is Mad pt.2”(shown below right) following the same formula of upseting him.
Basically are a series of videos by star in which he plays and snarkily comments on heavily edited gameplay of videogames of his choosing, most of the time butchering the main storyline for comedy purpose
Personal Life
Not much is known about Steve Sarge’s personal life other than he was born and lives in Boston and he makes a living out of gaming trough gameplay videos and professional matches, The Boston Globe wrote an article talking about star_’s live as a professional gamer and the living he makes off it[6].
Search Interest
External References
[4]Tf2 Wiki – Rocket jumper
[5]Youtube – TF2: Equalizer/Rocket Jumper Glitch
[6]The Boston Globe – Making a living as a professional video game player