Aleksey Dolmatov (rus. Алексей Долматов) is a Russian rap singer, drug-addict and Russian “Centr” rap group’s ex-vocalist. Known in Russian Internet by his fake death information.
Presumably, information of his death in terrorist attack to Domodedovo first appeared in “Metro” newspaper on 25th of January. His fans asked about it on question-answer sites, like for many times. Despite its soon rebuttal, this information has spread around the Internet.
The phrase “Guf’s dead” (Rus. Гуф умер) was used to troll his fans and himself. In April, 2011 this phrase has become the most popular in Russian social networks and forums, and a lot of macro and comics have been created.
The phrase from his “Is it easy to be young” song: “I’m in the seventh floor, it’s like sixth, but one higher” (Rus. Я на седьмом этаже, это как шестой, но на один повыше) has been used in macro and comics series as snowclone “X, it’s like Y, but X”.
The phrase from his “A town of roads” song: “Thanks “Centr” for that” (Rus. Спасибо “Центру” за это) is also usable in expressions like “Guf’s dead, thanks Centr for that”.
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Obviously, Aleksey doesn’t approve and promote information about his “death”, and ignores every questions about it. His songs are being criticised because of their bad performance and his voice’s burr. He sometimes makes jokes about it, but at 31st of December, 2011 he wished a death to anyone, who called him dead.