Axe Cop is a webcomic written by Malachai Nicolle and drawn by his brother Ethan Nicolle. The comic tells the story of a police officer named “Axe Cop” who fights crime and evil with a range of allies. The comic gained notable popularity within days of its beginning due to the quirky stories and child-like style of the comic.
Origin and Growth
[To Be Expanded Upon]
In 2009, Ethan Nicolle began drawing single pages of a story called “Axe Cop” as a parallel to the games he played with his then 5-year-old brother, Malachai. Nicolle at first didn’t intend to upload or publish the comic in any way, but decided to after drawing five “episodes.”
Within four days of upload, the site had been called Entertainment Weekly’s “site of the day”, and had more than 1800 fans on facebook. Within two weeks, the site crashed twice, and saw up to 52,000 views.