Editor’s Note: Work in Progress
Underage Drinking Prevention Poster Parodies (Japanese: 未成年者飲酒防止ポスター) refer to a series of parody illustrations for a 3-panel cartoon poster in an enlightening campaign for underage drinking prevention, which was drawn by a high school student.
On January 2013, this illustration began spreading quickly via Twitter, and became to be set to a subject for parodies and tributes because of its unique taste.
The poster is one of the submissions in The 11th Underage Drinking Prevention Poster/Slogan/Shcool Activity Campaign Award, which was co-hosted by Brewers Association of Japan and Japanese major beer companies in 2012.[1] It was drawn by a student in Tajimi Technical Highschool, Gifu Prefecture, and got the highest award in high school student poster category in the contest.
OriginalTranslationHow to Refuse Alcohol for Minors
1. Clearly say “I Don’t Drink.”
2. Say the Reason why you don’t drink.“
”For my bright future." (tck, tck)
3. If you’re still enforced drinking, Just run.
“Good bye.”
Incidentally, enforcing alcohol drinking to minors is punished by laws.
This poster started to be caught attention by a tweet posted by a Japanese Twitter user nagarehoshi0415[2] on January 22nd, 2012.[3] The tweet earned more than 9800 retweets and 3000 favorites within a week.
未成年者飲酒防止のポスターくっそわろたwwwwwwwwww twitpic.com/bx8htitwitpic.com/bx8hxf
— ながれ (@nagarehoshi0415) January 22, 2013
This poster caused surrealistic lulz to viewers by its light sense of humor and a young boy’s playful facial expression which were seemed incongruous for serious-minded poster contests at a glance.
Shortly after, amatuer illustrators began making parody illustrations by reproducing this poster with their favorite fictional characters. Many of them are just refusing alcohols as well, but others are refusing their own problems (riding on the Evangelion, getting into the monster ball, contract for magical girls, etc…).
In the following day of the twitter post, compilations of these illustrations were featured on the Naver Matome search portal archives.[4] With in the first five days, there were 482 tweets[5] that used the phrase “未成年者飲酒防止ポスター” or “Underage Drinking Prevention Poster”, and the Japanese illustrators community pixiv gathered more than 170 illustrations.[6] ITmedia News was the first news site to cover the fad on January 25th, 2012.[7]
Notable Examples
Search Interest
[Not Available]
External References
[1]Brewers Association of Japan – 第11回 未成年者飲酒防止 ポスター・スローガン・学校賞 募集キャンペーン 査結果発表 (Japanese)
[2]Twitter – ながれ (nagarehoshi0415)
[3]Twitter – nagarehoshi0415: 未成年者飲酒防止のポスターくっそわろたwwwwwwwwww … / Posted on 01-22-2013 (Japanese)
[4]Naver Matome – 改変ネタも大流行中!シュールすぎる未成年飲酒防止・禁止ポスターが話題に – NAVERまとめ / Posted on 01-23-2013
[5]TOPSY– 未成年者飲酒防止ポスター
[6]pixiv – Search results for 未成年飲酒防止ポスター
[7]ITmedia news – 「僕には大切な未来があるので(チッチッ)」――Twitterで未成年者飲酒防止ポスターが謎の流行 / 01-25-2013 (Japanese)