Gainaxing, also known as ‘Gainax Bounce’ or the ‘Gainax Bounce Effect’, is a anime related term created by Studio Gainax that refers the way a female character’s breasts move around gratuitously, often in ways that seem to defy physics. The breasts for the female character’s body usually bounce, jiggle, sway, and bobble as if the character has no bra under their clothing.
The earliest known of Gainaxing appeared around several anime in the 1980’s. Studio Gainax, an anime production, created their first OVA in 1988 called Gunbuster (Top wo Nerae!). The Gainax Bounce is found in three female characters known as Noriko, Kazumi, and Jung.
While Gainaxing has been used by numerous animation studios, the Gainax Bounce Effect grows larger (including the breasts) and popularized by the wider spread of various anime created by Gainax Studio.