Venom Extreme is a famous brazilian youtuber.His channel was created on May 29th,2011. He is the creator of the group Extreme Gamers,created on August 29th,2011,which created a lot of inside memes around the subscribers.
On May 29th,2011,VenomExtreme created a brazilian/portuguese channel in youtube about games.His channel popularized a lot of inside memes,catchphrases.Between them the catchphrase “Maldito!”,that means something like “Danmit!”,spoken everytime by him.
The first time he said it was in the first video,at 07:21,but was in the mo’creatures series,the biggest venom series,that the catchphrase really spreaded.Then the catchphrase was spammed in the comments,some brazilian forums,and other youtubers was repeating it,creating remixes trough youtube.
Venom Extreme Phrases
A unnoficial twitter was created posting a lot of catchphrases of Venom Extremes,using hashtags,posting alog with other youtubers.