“Swimming Anime” is the nickname given to an unnamed anime project from Kyoto Animation. It has a growing fan following.
In April, 2012, Animation Do, a property of Kyoto Animation, made an announcement for an untitled project about a swim team. The announcement only contained two images, one of a character swimming, and another of the four character concepts standing in front of a pool.
With just two images to go by, the project gained a small fan following, with only a few pieces of original content being generated. Based on the initial image, fans called it “Ore to omae no sa o oshiete yaru yo!”, or “I’ll tell you what makes you and I different!”. This proved to be too difficult for anyone to remember, so it was simply referred to as “Swimming Anime” or “Gay Swimming Anime”
On March 6 2013, YouTube user CureSumika posted the PV for the project online. The video spread to tumblr, twitter, and 4chan’s /a/ board.
Over the course of the day, several ask blogs and fan blogs were made for Swimming Anime.
Crunchyroll announced on its facebook page a Swimming Anime cosplay contest.