LOG is a nickname that donors on the Minecraft server, Minelegacy, put at the end of the first word in their actual IGN. Some names include JayLOG (JayRay2001), SnipesLOG (snipes88) CreeperLOG (creeperman4553), and many more. The joke is actually a praise to the genius behind one of the biggest Skyblock servers, RasecLOG. The meme was first used in Image Mackeral of Rasec’s Minecraft Head titled “Leave it To Rasec” was posted on memecreator.org with the Caption “Trying To Create New Meme. Leave It To Rasec!”. Other /nick memes were only used on the server. they were _FaZe and _Fade, still in the add it to your IGN format. The 2 were used as rivalry. the meme ended as soon as it started. The only one that lives on is LOG