Note: Work in progress, researching, request editorship
Supernatural is an American fantasy drama television series created by Eric Kripke and premiered on The WB on September 2005. The show follows two brothers as they hunt demons, ghosts, and other supernatural figures. Since it’s debut, the series has aired eight seasons, and it has been renewed for its ninth, as well as gaining an dedicated following online.
Supernatural was conceived by writer and director Eric Kripke and premiered on The WB, now known as The CW, on September 13th, 2005. The show follows the brothers Dean Winchester (played by Jensen Ackles) and Sam Winchester (played by Jared Padalecki) as they hunt for supernatural creatures with paranormal powers taught to them by their father when they were kids. Originally slated to be three seasons, popular demand prompted the series to be extended for five. Its fifth season aired on September 10th, 2009, to which concluded the show’s main storyline. But due to the show’s increasing ratings, it was renewed by The CW to air its sixth season on September 24th, 2010. It’s seventh season aired on September 23rd, 2011, and its eighth, and current, season aired on October 3rd, 2012. On February 11th, 2013, the show was officially renewed by The CW for its ninth season.[1]
Though with its following from fans, Supernatural received overall fair reviews from critics. The series has scored an 8.6/10 on the IMDb[2], while only a metascore of 56/100 on Metacritic.[3] The series’ pilot episode was viewed by an estimate of 5.69 million viewers, and ratings for each season has since been averaging at best.[4]
Online Presence
The show has shown official presence online, with a official Facebook[5] page being created, and has accumulated over 11 million likes as of April 2013. The show also launched the official @CW_Supernatural[6] Twitter account on April 25th, 2010, gaining over 250 thousand followers in just three years.
The /r/Supernatural[7] subreddit was then created on reddit on August 17th, 2008, gaining over 15,900 subscribers.
Related Memes
Mishapocalypse refers to a flashmob event that took place on Tumblr on April 1st, 2013, which originally involved dozens of Tumblr users changing their profile pictures to a photo of actor Misha Collins, who which portrays the character Castiel on the show. The trend soon evolved into Photoshopping Misha’s head into a variety of unlikely situations, and eventually spreading outside of Tumblr.
Misha Crying
Misha Crying is a series of animated reaction gifs based off a scene from Season 6 Episode 16 The French Mistakes, which show Misha Collins’ character Castiel sobbing. In the original scene, Castiel is shown being knife-point from the neck by hitman Virgil, to which Castiel began to sob uncontrollably. These reaction gifs are often used to show fondness of a certain object or group, and often accompanied with additional text.