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Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) is a method of cyberattack that usually involves temporarily blocking access to a website or server by flooding the bandwidth of a targeted network. The most common methods of DDoS include exploiting unprotected server networks, sending massive requests or opening multiple connections with the server.


The first publicly available DDoS tools Trinoo and Tribe Flood Network were released in 1997 and 1998 respectively.[8] The first well-documented DDoS attack took place in August 1999, which targeted a single University of Minnesota computer and knocked the system offline for more than two days. DDoS came grabbed public’s attention months later in February 2000, after a number of high profile search portals and e-commerce sites were taken offline for hours, including Yahoo!, Amazon, Buy.com, CNN, eBay, E*Trade and ZDNet. In addition, several companies reported significant losses due to the downtime, with Yahoo! losing about $500,000 and costing Amazon nearly $600,000.[7]


According to The Next Web’s timeline of DDoS attacks[6], most notable attempts in the first half of the 2000s were made by individuals using botnets and software programs. In 2001, Register.com came under a severe attack using tens of thousands of DNS records from around the world that lasted for an entire week.[9] In October 2002, all 13 Domain Name System root nameservers were targeted by a DDoS attack, which lasted for approximately one hour. In 2003, eBay was taken offline by a DDoS attack involving 20,000 computers, causing damage of at least $5,000.[10]

Beginning in the mid-2000s, DDoS tools became widely adopted by hackers, activists and even criminals for personal gains, leading to the creation of cyberattack task forces in law enforcement agences. In 2007, several government websites of Estonia were brought down by DDoS attacks originating from Russia, which further added to the diplomatic tension between the two countries building up at the time. The following year, Russian hackers and criminal were once again linked to similar attacks against websites of Georgian, Azerbaijani and Russian governments in the news. In 2009, a crowdsourced, PHP-scripted DDoS attack took down several pro-Ahmadinejad websites during the protests of 2009 Iranian election, demonstrating its potential use in political activism.[6]

Operation Payback

Operation Payback is a series of DDoS attacks organized by members of Anonymous against a number of major entertainment websites including Recording Industry Association of America and the Motion Picture Association of America. The attacks began September 19th, 2010 and continued unabated for over a month.

Operation Avenge Assange

Operation Avenge Assange is a series of DDos assaults led by Anonymous against Paypal, Visa and MasterCard’s websites in denouncing their decision to suspend all transactions with WikiLeaks following the "2010 U.S. diplomatic cable leak":knowyourmeme.com/memes/events/us-diplomatic-cables-leak-cablegate. Some of the other targeted sites included Amazon, Swiss Postal Finance as well as a number of U.S. government websites and various cybersecurity contractor firms.


Lulzsec (Lulz Security) is a hacking collective that carried out a series of DDoS and other hacking attacks against commercial and government websites between May and June 2011. Some of the most notable targets included Sony Pictures’ internal database, Central Intelligence Agency website and Federal Bureau of Investigation’s contractor InfraGard.

Operation Antisec

Operation Antisec is an international hacktivist campaign launched by a coalition of Anonymous hackers including former members of Lulzsec. The operation officially began on June 20th, 2011 with DDoS attacks against UK’s Serious Organized Crime Agency (SOCA) and persisted for months targeting high-profile websites in private business, government and even military sectors.

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External References

Pickup Line Scientist



Pickup Line Scientist is an advice animal image macro series featuring a photograph of the character Howard Wolowitz (played by Simon Helberg) from the television sitcom The Big Bang Theory. The captions typically combine sexual innuendo and puns related to physics, chemistry, biology and other hard sciences, in similar vein to the advice animal characters Dat Ash, Priority Peter and Chemistry Cat.


Redditor imonfirex727 submitted the first Pickup Line Scientist image macro to the /r/AdviceAnimals[2] subreddit on July 26th, 2011 (shown below). Prior to being archived, the post received over 500 up votes and 25 comments.


The meme remained relatively dormant for most of August until a compilation of notable Pickup Line Scientist examples was submitted to the Internet humor site 9gag[6] by user amberislove on August 28th, 2011. Within 13 months, the post received over 3,350 Facebook shares and 2,950 up votes. On December 9th, Redditor firelizard72 submitted an image macro with the caption “My wavelength might be short / but the frequency is outta this world”[4] (shown below, left), which received over 1,000 up votes and 20 comments prior to being archived. On the following day, firelizard72 submitted another image macro with the caption “You don’t need a rockwell test / to characterize my hardness and penetration depth”[3] (shown below, right), receiving over 1,760 up votes and 30 comments prior to being archived.

On December 17th, the “Pickup Line Scientist” Tumblr[5] blog was created, which highlighted 12 Pickup Line Scientist image macros in the next month. On September 13th, 2012, FunnyJunk user heavenz submitted an image macro with the caption “Baby I’ll treat you like my homework / I’ll slam you on the table and do you all night long” (shown below). Within four months, the post received over 26,000 views and nearly 600 up votes.

Notable Examples

As of January 2012, the “Pickup Line Scientist” Quickmeme page has received over 4,600 submissions. Additional examples can be found on Tumblr[7] under the tag “#pickup line scientist.”

Search Interest

External References




NotAPoliceman is a novelty Twitter account run by an anonymous blogger who claims that he is not a police officer. The tweets are meant to be read as if the blogger is trying to bait juvenile delinquents into admitting their crimes by impersonating a peer trying to fit in with youth culture.

Online History

The Twitter account @NotAPoliceman was created on September 21st, 2012. Although faux-policeman accounts @NotANark[1] and @NoNarkHere[7] had been registered in the previous month, @NotAPoliceman[2] became the first to adopt the entrapping tone of voice. On that day, the account tweeted 19 times, seeking out illegal drugs, places that sell alcohol and tobacco to minors and people who shoplift from the local mall. As of January 2013, @NotAPoliceman has 63,639 followers.


On September 30th, the first @NotAPoliceman tweet was shared outside of Twitter via a screenshot on FunnyJunk.[12] On October 2nd, humor site Jest[13] highlighted a series of tweets from the account, followed by similar reports on Slacktory[15], Reddit[14] and the Daily Dot[8] throughout that week. On October 5th, the Facebook fan page Not A Cop[3] was created, gaining nearly 17,000 likes by January 2013. Later that month, @NotAPolice[4] began tweeting, recycling some of the jokes from @NotAPoliceman.

On November 5th, Buzzfeed[9] ran a feature story with a compilation of @NotAPoliceman’s tweets, sparking a newfound interest in these accounts. The next day, beauty blog Lovelyish[11] posted its own roundup of tweets from the account. Between November 5th and 15th, @NotANark and @NoNarkHere began tweeting again. During that time, at least ten police-impersonating accounts were created including @NotANarc[5], @_NotTheCop[6], @Am_Not_A_Cop[17] and @NoPoliceman[16], among others. On November 20th, We Know Memes[10] featured a series of @NoPoliceman’s tweets. As of January 2013, @NoPoliceman has the largest amount of followers, with more than 262,000, followed by @NotANark[1] with more than 141,000 followers.

Notable Tweets

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External References

They Don't Think It Be Like It Is But It Do



“They Don’t Think It Be Like It Is, But It Do” is a quote attributed to the former Major League Baseball player Oscar Gamble that is often mocked on various web forums and image boards for its unintelligible quality, similar to the questions “How is babby formed?” and “Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?”


It is unclear where Gamble’s quote originated from. According to the Touching All Bases[1] sports blog, Gamble once responded to a question about the prevalence of racism in Major League Baseball by saying “People don’t think it be like it is, but it do.” According to sports blogger Doug Lemoine,[4] Gamble uttered the famous phrase while discussing the chaotic New York Yankees management in 1975. A grainy black-and-white photograph of Gamble captioned with “They don’t think it be like it is, but it do” (shown below) was posted on the Brownpau Tumblr[11] blog on May 4th, 2010.


Due to the cryptic nature of Gamble’s quote, many have speculated about what he actually meant to say. On May 9th, 2010, Yahoo Answers[7] user Leon submitted a question asking what the quote meant, to which user Nick responded that Gamble was accusing others of living in denial about the truth. Redditor bunglejerry submitted a post to the /r/linguistics[5] subreddit on April 2nd, 2012, which attempted to discern the meaning behind the Gamble quote. Redditor ThrustVectoring then replied to the post with his interpretation:

“They incorrectly believe that this is an atypical state of affairs”


On April 15th, 2011, the “They don’t think it be like it is, but it do” Facebook[6] page was created, which received over 1,000 likes within the next two years. On February 22nd, 2012, Redditor IeIgHtNiNe submitted the black-and-white photo with the title “The meaning of the universe contained in a single sentence” to the /r/funny[3] subreddit, where it received over 9,000 up votes and 280 comments prior to being archived. On March 31st, IGN Forums[10] member Dr. Indiana started a discussion thread about the Gamble quote, to which member WillOftheWearer responded with an embedded clip of a young boy stumbling over his words. On January 14th, 2013, YouTuber RollFreakinTide37 uploaded a video in which a television news anchor reads a viewer’s opinion quoting Gamble in response to the United States fiscal cliff controversy (shown below, right).

Notable Examples

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External References




Twerking is a type of dance commonly associated with movements involving the shaking of hips and posterior while in a squatting position. The dance became well known online after the group Twerk Team began posting twerk videos on YouTube in June of 2009.


The music that characterizes twerking has been around since the 90’s, with the emergence of Southern hip hop and crunk genre in particular. The term itself didn’t start gaining prominence until after the new millennium. In 2000, the hip hop duo Ying Yang Twins debuted with the single “Whistle While You Twurk” (shown below). On October 9th, 2001, rapper Bubba Sparxxx released the album Dark Days, Bright Nights, which included the single “Twerk a Little”.

According to an article in The Age,[1] the term “twerk” is thought to be an amalgamation of the words “twist,” “jerk” and “footwork.” On April 6th, 2002, Online Slang Dictionary[12] user Brandon submitted an entry for “twerk”:

“v. to dance in a sexual manner, usually involving shaking on the buttocks.”


The first Urban Dictionary[2] entry was submitted by user Robin on April 7th, 2003, which defined the dance as “to work one’s body, as in dancing, especially the rear end.” On February 28th, 2006, Yahoo Answers[13] user Sass Say submitted a request for the definition of “twerk,” to which user Dough responded that it was a slang term used to describe dancing sexually. On September 21st, 2011, the website YouTwerk[7] was launched, which highlighted YouTube videos of Twerkers categorized by race. On February 28th, 2012, the /r/twerk[10] subreddit was created, in which Redditors vote on and submit twerk-related videos. On March 30th, the “Twerk Olympics” Tumblr[11] blog was launched, which highlights videos and animated GIFs of women twerking.

On June 1st, YouTuber lohanthony uploaded a tutorial video on twerking (shown below, left), which received 2.1 million views and 10,600 comments within seven months. On November 16th, YouTuber sugarvirals uploaded a video of two young Caucasian girls attempting to twerk (shown below, right). On the same day, Redditor svannah11 submitted the video to the /r/cringe[8] subreddit, where it received over 375 up votes and 180 comments within the next eight weeks.

On November 24th, the Facebook[3] page “Twerkers Gone Wild” was created, which gained over 139,000 likes within six weeks. On Nocember 27th, Redditor BBulaga75 submitted a video of YouTuber lohanthony twerking in his school uniform (shown below) to the /r/cringe[9] subreddit, which received over 2,400 up votes and 860 comments within the next month.

Twerk Team

Many attribute the popularity of twerk videos on the Internet to the female dance group Twerk Team. According to an article in the Florida and A&M University news site Famuan,[5] the Twerk Team was started in 2005 by three 14-year-old girls in Atlanta, Georgia. On June 5th, 2009, the OfficialTwerkTeam YouTube channel was launched, which featured music videos and footage of the group dancing in a variety of locations. As of January 2013, the YouTube channel has received over 76.1 million video views and 258,000 subscribers and the @TwerkTeam[6] Twitter feed has accumulated over 114,000 followers.

Notable Examples

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Boardroom Suggestion



Boardroom Suggestion is a meme in which a CEO of a company suggests ideas. The first two employees say ideas, but the third employee states a obvious remark that would be better for the consumer. The CEO, mad at his suggestion, throws him out the window.


The comic first originated on a web-comic site called “Hejibits” under the name Outlook Oust.

Dancing Otter With Fish / Dancing Otter Gif



Somewhere around 2010, a gif of a cartoon otter dancing while holding a fish, had popped up on the web. It quickly gained popularity, as many started doing music videos with it, making the otter dance to all sorts of things:


Although no one who used the Gif could say where it came from, the source was found in 2012, thanks to 4chan (link below). It turned out to be a japanese short about an otter outwitting a fox.

Although the original (high quality) video, and a subsequent re-upload, were taken down for copyright, a lower quality version was uploaded here:

A higher quality clip featuring the dancing mustelidae is (for the moment) available here:


External Links




Work in progress. Feel free to request editorship


Cancer is internet slang used to describe the misuse of internet-originating content by a non-typical, usually a mainstream audience. The term is references how internet content typically starts with a smaller spread, but eventually grows to the peak of its popularity until it is embraced by a wider audience, some of whom misuse it and it is deemed in poor taste to use again. in similarity to the growth cycle of cancer in a biological system and its detrimental effect after growth.



Related Entries

The Cancer That Is Killing /b/

The Cancer That Is Killing /b/is a common phrase used to refer to whatever and whomever one would blame for the perceived decline in the quality of content on 4chan’s /b/.

That Post Gave Me Cancer

That Post Gave Me Cancer is an image macro series commonly used in response to nonsensical or insubstantial posts submitted by the original poster (OP) or other users in a given thread. This hyperbolic expression is typically used on 4chan to express one’s disgust towards a trend or a thread.

Search Insights

Baschan Dies (Odiad Chronicles)


A meme that sprouted from the knight Baschan in .:Blu:.’s famous RP, Odiad Chronicles. Baschan has been shown to be repeatedly selfless, willing to die for his friends, leading to this meme. Baschan is a sort of holier than thou meme applied to a specific character.

Damn you Autocorrect!


‘’Damn you Autocorrect!’’ AKA http://www.damnyouautocorrect.com/ Is a website containing iPhone conversations throughout different subjects of the day. It is mainly used for making fun of Modern Phone usage and the new autocorrecting technique found in modern phones today. Most of the conversations are often people having concerns for each other, and then getting shocked or freaked out to see the next text message that they receive. It is often corrected in the end by the person who sent the message, and they often apologise and curse at their phone which gives ‘’Damn You Autocorrect’’ it’s name. The website was first made in late 2007, just after the first iPhone was released. Misuse of text replacement software is a staple practical joke in many schools and offices. Typically, the prankster will set the victim’s word processing software to replace an extremely common word with a humorous absurdity, or an incorrectly spelled version of the original word to cause these embarrassing conversations.

Bottle Meme



The Bottle Meme, known as “The Pixiv Bottle Meme” on the English-speaking web and “You May Bottle Anything” (Japanese: 詰めてもいいのよ, Tsumetemo Iinoyo) on the Japanese web, is an exploitable-style illustration fad started in Japanese illustrators community pixiv, in which fictional characters are crammed into the glass bottle.


The template image of this fad is a plain glass bottle posted to pixiv by user Akabane (緋羽)[1] on April 2nd, 2009.[2]

Description (Translation)

Please enjoy drawing with this! It’s OK to change colors and size. Let’s bottle everything!


Around the middle of 2010, pixiv users began sending responses to her illustration. As a result of this, it went onto generate about 400 illustration responses in that year and 1700 by December of 2012.[3] This illustration fad has also spread to deviantART, the illustrators community on the English-speaking web, via image uploaders like Danbooru.[4] As of December 2012, there are about 2,000 search results for the query “bottle meme” on deviantArt.[5] Moreover, #All-Things-Bottled, a user group in deviantART founded on February 2012, also features this bottle meme.[6]


These are guidelines of usage of this bottle meme provided on Akabane’s user page.

著作権は放棄していません。Terms of use for “Tsumetemo Iinoyo” and other materials.
Do not:
- use these for any commercial use
- use these for any Doujin works which receive money (except for free publish)
- pretend as if you made the bottle by yourself.
- reprint the bottle itself to anywhere.
- use these in any religious or sexual web sites.
- use these for any illustration competitions or school works.
I never release my copyrights on these contents.

Notable Examples

Search Interest

[Not Available]

External References

[1]pixiv – 緋羽's Profile

[2]pixiv – 詰めてもいいのよ祝イメレス / 緋羽@仕事募集中 / Posted on 04-02-2009

[3]pixiv – Illustration Responses for 詰めてもいいのよ

[4][NSFW!!] Danbooru – Pool: Pixiv Meme – Bottle Meme

[5]deviantART – Search results for bottle meme

[6]deviantART – #All-Things-Bottled

Cool Cat Kacie


Don’t let her looks deceive you! She’s the coolest girl around!

Internet Paraphilia


Internet Paraphilia usually refers to the unusual fetishes pertaining by a certain group of the internet community. Often related to furries (known as “furry fetish”) and deviantART users due to the substantial amount of arts relating to the fetishes in their respective sites, these paraphilia can be found in many forms, and among the most common are transformation, foot fetish, inflation, vore, pregnancy, etc. Other forms of internet paraphilia can be transgenderism, micro/macro, muscle fetish, suiting fetish, mind control, tickle, diapers and many others. Due to the fetishistic nature of the paraphilia, they are often considered NSFW.


It’s not clear when the first of such fetishes start appearing in the internet, but by around 2006, such fetishes and paraphilia has become a common sight in sites such as FurAffinity or deviantART.


Like what “Origins” say, it’s difficult to determine how fast is the spread of the Internet Paraphilia and when was its peak of its spread. But a simple search in sites like deviantART and FurAffinity with generic topics like Pokemon or any anthro creatures will often yield such results. In 4chan, these fetishes are often ridiculed as mentioned in many Encyclopedia Dramatica articles since around 2007 or 2008.

Aaron Swartz



Aaron Swartz was an internet activist, computer programmer and political organizer known for his involvement in several web projects including the Rich Site Summary (RSS) 1.0 and Infogami, which later became part of Reddit, as well as in online activism through his political action group Demand Progress.

Online History

Aaron Swartz began building web sites and applications at age thirteen[4], starting with a website called the Info Network[10], an unintentional clone of Wikipedia for which he won the 2000 ArsDigita Prize. Following this achievement, Swartz built a program that would collect news from different web pages and put them into one place for the reader. He used this work to join the RSS-DEV Working Group and collaborated on the release of RSS 1.0[1] in December 2000.

Political activist Lawrence Lessig with Swartz, age 14


After attending Stanford University in California for a year, Swartz received funding through Y Combinator[12], a program dedicated to help entrepreneurs build fledgling companies, and launched the startup Infogami[11] in the summer of 2005. Though Infogami was later used as the basis for the ebook database Open Library[13], at the time, Swartz was unsure of where to go with the startup. At the suggestion of Y Combinator organizers, Swartz merged Infogami with Reddit in November 2005 and stayed with the company through its buyout from Conde Nast, after which he moved to San Francisco and worked in the offices of Wired magazine, where he became unhappy and suicidal before he was asked to resign in January 2007.[4]

Swartz, shown far left, working at Y Combinator


Swartz was also closely involved with Wikipedia as a voluntary editor and ran for the Wikimedia Foundation’s Board of Directors in 2006. That same year, he wrote Who Writes Wikipedia[14], an analysis of Wikipedia’s community research process and the distribution of contributions across the editors’ community. In the report, Swartz concluded that the majority of content comes from tens of thousands of casual “outsider” contributors, while a core group of 500 to 1000 regular editors tend to focus on formatting aspects. His analysis contradicted Jimmy Wales’ theory that the core group of editors are the primary research contributors, which resulted from counting the total number of characters added by an editor, as opposed to the total number of edits that were taken into consideration by Wales.

Demand Progress

In 2010, Swartz launched Demand Progress[3], a tax-exempt organization dedicated to launching petitions to protect the freedom of the Internet. The organization has led numerous campaigns[31] including protecting whistleblowers, stopping politicians from trying to shut down WikiLeaks and fighting against the the Protect IP Act. Following the defeat of the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), Swartz gave the following keynote in May 2012.

Legal Issues


In August 2009, Swartz learned he was wanted by the FBI[15] for allegedly downloading 20% of the records on the U.S. Government’s Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER) database in 2008. At the time, PACER was charging 8 cents per page to access documents that are not subject to copyright and are in the public domain. The FBI found that he had downloaded more than 18 million pages of documents worth $1.5 million dollars while it was in a free trial at local libraries, leading to them doing a thorough background check on Swartz in addition to staking out his home. The documents were later donated to Public.Resource.Org[16], an organization spearheaded by Carl Malamud[17] to keep free information free. After Swartz declined to speak with the FBI about the situation in April 2009, the investigation ceased.[18]

JSTOR Lawsuit

On July 19th, 2011, Swartz was indicted in a Boston court alleging that he stole more than 4 million documents from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and journal archive JSTOR.[19] Prosecutors claimed that the files were downloaded with the intent of being made available for free on P2P sharing sites.[21] Swartz pleaded not guilty and JSTOR stated[22] that they would not be pursuing the legal matter. The act was likened to borrowing too many books from the library[23] with a sentence that was more severe than those reserved for people who commit manslaughter, rob a bank, sell child pornography or help al-Qaeda develop a nuclear weapon.[24]

Personal Life

Swartz stayed in public schooling up until his freshman year of highschool, when he started homeschooling and a mixed set of college courses. After a few years of community college courses, he went on to study at Stanford University in California. He left after only a year, dissatisfied with the atmosphere the school provided. Shortly after, he moved to Cambridge and began to work on the predecessor of Reddit. Interests spanning over politics, media, public opinion, and more led him to become involved in responding and writing a large number of online opinion blogs. Those same interests further pushed him to study at the Harvard Ethics Center as a Harvard Fellow.[32]


On January 11th, 2013, two days after he was offered a settlement requiring him to plead guilty in the JSTOR case[27], Aaron Swartz committed suicide[5] at his home in Brooklyn, New York. His family launched a memorial site[26] and later released a statement[25] citing pressure from attorneys combined with a lack of support from MIT as factors in his death. There was an outpouring of grief online from tech bloggers, JSTOR[7], and internet researchers, who began making their works available for free online with the hashtag #pdftribute[8] in his honor. Additionally, members of Anonymous hacked into MIT websites, leaving messages messages in Swartz’s memory.[30] There were more than 200,000 tweets made about him in the two days following his death.[28] On January 14th, MIT announced an investigation into the school’s involvement with Swartz’ death[29] and the government formally dropped all charges against him.[20]

Search Interest

External References

[1]RDF Site Summary – Authors

[2]Aaron Swartz – Introducing Infogami

[3]Demand Progress – Home

[4]Aaron Swartz – How to Get a Job Like Mine

[5]The Tech – Aaron Swartz commits suicide

[6]A legal analysis of the Swartz case made by one of the experts brought in to testify for him – The Truth about Aaron Swartz’s “Crime”

[7]JSTORStatement of regret

[8]CNETResearchers honor Swartz’s memory with PDF protest

[9]We the People petition – Remove United States District Attorney Carmen Ortiz from office for overreach in the case of Aaron Swartz

[10]The Info Network – Archive from June 2000

[11]Infogami – Home

[12]Wired – Stars Rise at Startup Summer Camp

[13]Open Library – Home

[14]Aaron Swartz – Who Writes Wikipedia?

[15]Aaron Swartz – Wanted by the FBI

[16]Public – Home

[17]Wired – Online Rebel Publishes Millions of Dollars in U.S. Court Records for Free

[18]Wired – FBI Investigated Coder for Liberating Paywalled Court Records

[19]New York Times – Internet Activist Charged in M.I.T. Data Theft

[20]Ars Technica – Government formally drops charges against Aaron Swartz

[21]Yahoo! News – Feds: Harvard fellow hacked millions of papers

[22]JSTORJSTOR Statement: Misuse Incident and Criminal Case

[23]Daily Caller – Reddit co-founder Aaron Swartz commits suicide at age 26

[24]ThinkProgress – Aaron Swartz Faced A More Severe Prison Term Than Killers, Slave Dealers And Bank Robbers

[25]Ars Technica – Family blames US attorneys for death of Aaron Swartz

[26]Remember Aaron Swartz – Home

[27]Macleans – Techno-McCarthyism and the death of Aaron Swartz

[28]Topsy – Tweet statistics for “aaron swartz”

[29]BoingBoing – MIT president appoints Hal Abelson to investigate university’s role in Aaron Swartz’s prosecution

[30]Washington Post – Anonymous hacks MIT sites to post Aaron Swartz tribute, call to arms

[31]Demand Progress – Campaigns

[32]LA Times – Aaron Swartz dies at 26; Internet folk hero founded Reddit

Let Me Hear Your War Cry



Let Me Hear Your War Cry is a video remix series featuring looped scenes of people yelling in various films and TV shows and faces of BigSmile mannequins superimposed over the original characters.


YouTuber SpaceHopperCopter uploaded a video titled “Let me hear your war cry” on August 15th, 2010 (shown below, left), which featured an edited clip of a scene from the 1987 film Full Metal Jacket (shown below, right) with the heads of BigSmile[2]mannequins superimposed over the characters’ faces and background audio of people yelling. Within three years, the video received over 2 million views, 12,400 up votes and 13,500 comments.

The video description linked to photos of the mannequin face (shown below, left), the original animated GIF used in the video (shown below, right) and noted that the audio was taken from two tracks off the album Ataxia by the band Circus Devils.[5]


The YouTube viewership statistics for SpaceHopperCopter’s original upload have been disabled, so the timeline surrounding its viral breakout largely remains unknown. On October 30th, 2011, Creepypasta Forums[6] member Shintaka submitted a thread highlighting the SpaceHopperCopter YouTube video to the “Creepy Videos” sub-forum. On December 31st, YouTuber FreakinSatan uploaded a video featuring the same Circus Devil’s audio track, along with an edited clip of a scene from the 1997 romantic comedy film My Best Friend’s Wedding. Within two years, the video accumulated over 13,000 views and 50 comments.

On February 1st, 2012, YouTuber iEristoff uploaded a 10 minute version of the original SpaceHopperCopter video, receving over 121,000 views, 425 up votes and 400 comments within the next year. On August 25th, Redditor clashcow submitted a list of “creepy YouTube videos” to the /r/scaredshitless[1] subreddit, which included a link to the SpaceHopperCopter YouTube upload. In addition, the video has been also circulating on Tumblr under the tags “let me hear your war cry”[7] and “weird part of YouTube.”[8]

Notable Examples

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Listen Listen Listen Listen / Sharifah Zohra Jabeen


(WIP, still trying to work out this site)


Listen, Listen, Listen, Listen is a line that is usually paired with an image depicting the president of Suara Wanita 1 Malaysia(Voice of 1Malaysia’s Women), Sharifah Zohra Jabeen.


The line ‘listen, listen, listen, listen’ originates from a part of Forum Suara Mahasiswa(College Student’s Voice Forum) uploaded by Youtube user ‘TvMyMahasiswa’. The video shows a student of Universiti Utara Malaysia(Northern University of Malaysia) named Ms. Bawani(commonly known as Little Ambiga) arguing against Sharifah’s pro-government sentiments. Sharifah is then seen interrupting Bawani by repeating the word ‘listen’ and taking the mic away from her.


On January 15 2013, the video was mirrored to Facebook by the Facebook page known as Politicalgags with the title ’Fuck’dup malaysia university’. The phrase Listen Listen Listen Listen was soon spread by excessive usage by Malaysian Facebook users and even had a thread dedicated to it on Malaysia’s biggest forum [url=http://forum.lowyat.net/topic/2668413]Lowyat[/url].


The video went viral soon after Politicalgags posted the video on Facebook and was received negatively by most Malaysians due to Sharifah’s rude response and interruption. Sharifah was criticized for being a hypocrite when she said that she gave Bawani respect as a woman and her insult towards Bawani’s education. Others also criticized Sharifah for stirring up hatred towards the opposition political parties and BERSIH rally organisers in her speech, a move that was seen as an attempt to politicize the event.

Suara Wanita 1 Malaysia’s Facebook page admin Ms. Natrah was later seen posting accusations of opposition parties, NGOs related to BERSIH and Bawani stirring trouble in the event. The page was shortly filled with comments criticizing the posts for lack of neutrality and spewing hatred. Eventually, this led Ms. Natrah to create a racist post directed against Indians.


The video also resulted in numerous image macros being created. It also resulted in the creation of several parodies that were uploaded to Youtube and even grilled chicken restaurant chain Nando’s took a jab at the case as Sharifah had also said that ‘animal got problem also’ by posting a picture telling everyone that their chickens were fine.



The Knitter



The Knitter refers to a superhero character inspired by a series of self-portraits featuring Tumblr user robofillet. Since the upload of his photographs in late 2011, other Tumblr users have re-interpreted them as portraits of a comic book villain and built a backstory for the fictional character, as well as other supporting characters including an antagonist and sidekick.


On December 27th, 2011, Tumblr user Rohan Salmond, known by his handle robofillet, posted four photographs[1] of himself posing seductively with knitting needles and balls of yarn. Three days later, Tumblr user gokuma[2] suggested that he looked like a DC comic book villain. Later that day, the user fernacular[3] suggested that he should be nicknamed “The Knitter” and shared the first fan art drawing of Salmond’s original photos. This post has accumulated nearly 89,000 notes as of January 15th, 2013.


The same day fernacular’s fan art was posted, a user named pastellicpyro asked robofillet[4] if he was ready to become “Tumblr’s favorite supervillian,” to which Salmon replied that he was ready for “great power.” He also noted in a separate post[5] that his follower count had nearly doubled after the coinage of “The Knitter.” On December 31st, an ask blog for the Knitter[6] was created by an anonymous fan artist. The next day, an audio blog called the Knitter Speaks![7] launched, posting several radio drama style audio stories about the Knitter.

Also on January 1st, Tumblr artist verticalthought[8] proposed a homoerotic antagonist known as the Manipulator (shown below, left) to act as a foil to the Knitter. Three days later, artist halfaleagueonward[12] posted the first page of a webcomic (shown below, right) featuring The Knitter and his sidekick, Purl. On January 5th, the single topic blog DC The Knitter[9] launched to reblog fan art created for the character. Additional fan art can be found on the Tumblr tag “the knitter.”[10] On January 14th, the history of the Knitter’s origin story was posted to the Daily Dot.[11]

Notable Examples

Search Interest

Although “the knitter” is a common search phrase, it hit an all time high on December 31st, 2012.

External References

Katy t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m



Katy t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m (Katy the Penguin of Doom) is a copypasta story told from the perspective of a 13-year-old girl who claims to visit 4chan’s /b/ (random) board because she is “very random.” Written in a jumble of l33tspeak and SMS shorthands, the story is meant to mock the attention-seeking style of humor that is often characterized as “so random” by adolescent Internet users.


The earliest known instance of the copypasta appeared on October 12th, 2006 in the /a/ (anime) discussion board of 4chan[2] in a thread discussing reasons why the anime series Naruto“sucks.” In the thread, the poster identified herself as a “random” 13-year-old girl named Katy and demanded to be referred to as “t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m.”

hi every1 im new!!!!!!! holds up spork my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me _… im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!!


On January 3rd, 2007, a user profile for “t3h PeNgU1N 0F d00m” was created on the anime-themed social netwokring site Gaia Online.[6] On December 1st, an entry for “Penguin of Doom” was created on the Shii Wiki,[1] which credited 4chan as the site of origin for the meme. On March 30th, 2008, Katy’s copypasta was submitted to the Island Troll Tribes Forums[3] by member PenguinOfDooom, receiving over 80 responds within the next week. On July 21st, 2009, Facepunch Forums[4] member jjsullivan submitted a post asking readers to share “the most random thing you’ve ever seen/heard on the Internet,” to which member shill responded with the copypasta.

On January 1st, 2011, League of Legends Forum[5] member Havy_whopons_gai posted the copypasta in a thread about the “Yordle Snap Trap” character attack in the online strategy game League of Legends. Later that same year on December 2nd, YouTuber dukerecordings uploaded a dramatic recital of the copypasta story (shown below, left) performed by a colleague only identified as “dynd.” On February 2nd, 2012, YouTuber Ender Man uploaded a dramatic reading of the copypasta, accompanied by a picture of character Gir from the animated television series Invader Zim (shown below, right).

Notable Variations

The Older Sister

Greetings, everyone. I am new. (One second – let me get this spork out of the
way.) My name is Katy, but you can call me the Penguin of Doom. (I’m laughing
aloud.) As you can plainly see, my actions have no pattern whatsoever. That is
why I have come here. To meet similarly patternless individuals, such as myself.

I am 13 – mature for my age, however! – and I enjoy watching Invader Zim
with my girlfriend. (I am bisexual. Please approach this subject maturely.)
It is our favorite television show, as it adequately displays stochastic
manners of behavior such as we possess.

She behaves without order – of course – but I wish to meet more individuals
of her and my kind. As the saying goes, “the more, the merrier.”

Ah, it is to laugh. Anyway, I hope to make many friends here, so please
comment freely.


That is simply one of many examples of my random actions. Ha, ha. Fare
thee well. I wish you much love and waffles.


The Penguin of Doom.

The Younger Brother

hi every1 im new!!!!! charges mah lazr my name is ted but u can call me Anonymous!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very random!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me _… im 22 years old (i still live w/ my mom tho!!) i like 2 look at mudkip threads with my boyfreind (im bi if u dont like it gtfo) its our favorite kindof thred!!!! bcuz their SOOOO random!!!! hes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of friends here so give me lots of replieses! DESUDESUDESUDESUDESU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Search Interest

External References

[1]Shii.org – Penguin of Doom

[2]4chan – 100 reasons why Naruto sucks thread

[3]My Fast Forums – hi every1

[4]Facepunch – most random thing

[5]League of Legends – racism against yordles

[6]Gaia Online – pengu1n of d00m

Morgan Freeman


(This is a Work-In-Progress. I need help on research for this article, so please do request for editorship if you want to help.)



Morgan Freeman has been known prominently for his narratives and him starring in many familiar shows and movies (i.e: Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman, Bruce Almighty, Evan Almighty, Shawshank Redemption), and for his statements on science and religion. People parody his voice in many videos on YouTube.



Many people criticize his voice as being like of “an angel”. People label him as “God”, coming from is that he had played as “God” in the movie Bruce Almighty, followed by his appearance as “God” again in the sequel Evan Almighty.


External References



You are reading this in his voice.



(I require assistance on this submission. Please request for editorship or just add yourself as one [only you mods would know how to do that].)


Kaepernicking is the act of flexing and kissing one’s bicep usually after some athletic achievement, unless on the exception of just looking like an idiot and posting a picture.. People post pictures of themselves copying this pose on many social media websites.

(In my honest opinion, you look like you’re sniffing your own armpit odor. That’s just strange.)


Kaepernicking originated from the NFL football player Coel Kaepernick’s signiture move, which involved him flexing his bicep close to his face and kissing it, notably where a tattoo lies on his arm.

Notable Examples

External References

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