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Cook asks cook


Cook asks cook (rus. Повар спрашивает повара) is a popular in Russian Internet video, used in a lot of remixes, and one of the most usable source in Russian YouTube Poops. In this video teen-age boy tries to tell a joke about two cooks, but begins to laugh at it without finishing.


Russian lyrics

Повар спрашивает повара:
-- Повар, какова твоя профессия? Ты милиционер?
-- Нет, -- отвечает Повар. -- Моя главная профессия -- повар!
-- Аха! А твоя? (смех)
-- А твоя… наверно… наверно врач, повар?
-- Нет! (смех) Я повар!

literary translation

A cook asks another cook:
-- Cook, what do you do for a living? Are you police officer?
-- No, -- says the second cook. -- My major job is a cook!
-- A-ha! And yours? (laughs very contagiously)
-- And you… You must be a… a doctor, cook?
-- No! (laugh)… I’m a cook!

This video was recorded in 2006 by Anton Sidorov – young 10 year old boy, living in Saint-Petersburg city. There isn’t any confirmed information about why and how did he record it, and how did it get in the Internet. In 6th of July, 2008, video was uploaded by user KventinBuratino on YouTube – this upload considers to be original.


Video began to spread around Russian Internet in 2009. In 2011, popular Russian viral video reviewer Maksim Golopolosov reviewed it in his Internet-show’s first episode. After that, video got viral character, because of its stupid and mad character, and then spread around all Russian YouTube community and other sites. It has much less popularity in Internet’s English community.

Because of its usability, video became very popular as source for Russian YouTube Poops. His “nickname” in Russian YouTube community is “cook” (rus. Повар).


Now Anton Sidorov’s studying in Saint-Petersburg’s Musical University and leads his own musical group. He hides from his fans and refuses giving an interview. According to the video, recorded in 2011, he hates everything connected with this record and feels regret about shooting it.



Work in progress. Feel free to request editorship


Marijuana is a preparation from Cannabis[1], used as drug and medicine. Marijuana have a great Internet following, with some specialized sites and related memes.

Related Memes

Smoke Weed Everyday

Faces of Marijuana

Stoned Dog

[ 10 ] Guy

Stoner Comics

Search Insights

External Links

[1]Wikipedia – Cannabis




Autism is a developmental disorder characterized by impaired social interaction and communication, and by restricted and repetitive behavior. The absolute effects on the mentality of the person varies greatly for each individual.

On the internet, autism has gained usage as a label and insult used in generalisation, aimed at mocking people by claiming they suffer from a mental disease or social disorder. Common targets for these claims commonly involve specific online communities or fandoms. (See also: Cancer& The -fag Suffix)




Not everything is known about autism, but the disorder has shown to contain a strong genetic basis, although it is unclear whether autism is explained more by rare mutations, or by rare combinations of common genetic variants. Autism affects information processing in the brain by altering how nerve cells and their synapses connect and organize, although knowledge on this is incomplete. Autism is one of three recognized disorders in the autistic spectrum, alongside Asperger syndrome and pervasive developmental disorder.



Notable Events

50 Cent’s Autism Tweets

On July 3rd, 2012, Twitter user yung_raditz sent American rapper 50 Cent a tweet reading “@50cent Release the album or get shot again”. 50 Cent responded to this tweet by saying, “yeah just saw your picture fool you look autistic”, which was later followed by “I don’t want no special ed kids on my time line follow some body else”. These tweets caused a controversy for various people, resulting in numerous angry replies. Afterwards 50 Cent apologized for the tweets, noting that he himself was partly special needed.

Anon Vandalizing My Little Pony Mural

On October 20th, 2011, a user called ‘Gollum9993’ uploaded a video to YouTube titled “Painting Ponies” (shown below, left), showing a group of people creating a large mural based on the popular animated series My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Late 2012, an picture showing the mural being vandalized by the text “Highest form of autism – Anon (shown below, right) started making its round on the web, resulting in mixed opinions on the act by various parties. One of the creators of the mural later stated in the comments of the video that they were capable of fixing it.

Search Interest

Assburger / Spede Pasanen


Assburger is a finnish meme featuring Pertti SpedePasanen a finnish actor born in 1930. It’s usually used in response to a comment or situtation that resembles someone with Asperger’s Syndrome


This meme originates from the movie X-Paroni (1964), where Spede makes a weird facial expression.


Although this is a finnish meme, it’s a well known meme in various german and american imageboards just as Spurdo Spärde.

Infomercial Fails



Infomercial Fails refer to montage videos or animated GIFs of actors struggling to do basic tasks, to show how this everyday task would be difficult without the advertised products. These struggles are often over-exaggerated in a humorous, unbelievable manner.


Infomercials[1], sometimes referred to as Direct Response TV (DRTV), are long commercials for household items that also contain a phone number, mailing address or website through which people can purchase the advertised product. The word itself was coined in the 1980s by entertainment mogul Paul Ruffino who was known for purchasing program-length blocks of commercial time and, in 1982, the first infomercial aired, selling a line of hair growth products. The first online montage dedicated to pointing out the over-the-top struggles of informercial actors was created by Everything Is Terrible[9] and uploaded to Funny or Die on September 3rd, 2009.


A second compilation was uploaded YouTube on April 18th, 2010 by Derek Lieu. Titled “As Seen on TV – a tribute to doing it wrong” (shown below), the video featured clips of actors struggling to complete household chores set to the Beatles song “Help!.” As of February 2013, this video has more than 2 million views.

The same month, food blog Serious Eats[10] featured both compilations on their blog. In 2011, infomercial compilations appeared on Pleated Jeans[11], Neatorama[12] and I Waste So Much Time.[13] In January 2012, a single topic blog titled “Infomercial Problems”[14] launched, mainly sharing videos of the strange behavior exhibited in these commercials. In August of that year, the Huffington Post[15] highlighted additional informercial fails. The same month, a photo album of 141 infomercial GIFs was created on Imgur.[2] Two days later, a thread appeared on 4chan’s /wsg/[3] board (Work-Safe GIF), asking users to post additional infomercial GIFs.

Series of these GIFs were featured on Uproxx[7] and Buzzfeed[16] on September 26th, 2012. On October 21st, 2012, a GIF featuring a family overreacting to a mother spilling soda (shown below) was submitted to the /r/funny[4] subreddit, which managed to gain over 4,700 upvotes and over 600 comments. A day later, the subreddit /r/wheredidthesodago[5] was launched, dedicated to animated GIFs of out-of-context or absurd moments from infomercials. Within three months, the subreddit has managed to gain more than 125,000 subscribers, becoming the fast growing subreddit within the site.[6] In December 2012, another collection of these GIFs was shared on /r/Funny[17], gaining more than 4400 upvotes and 1600 points overall. Additionally, as of February 2013, there are more than 1700 search results for “bad infomercial” on YouTube.[8]

Notable Examples

Search Interest

External References

[1]Wikipedia – Infomercials

[2]Imgur – infomercial gifs

[3]Chanarchieve – gifs of stupid infomercial people

[4]Reddit – Oh no, it poured right into the glass like it was supposed to!

[5]Reddit – /r/wheredidthesodago

[6]stattit – /r/wheredidthesodago

[7]Uproxx – This Is A Fantastic Collection Of GIFs Featuring Idiots From Infomercials

[8]YouTube – Search results for “bad infomercial”

[9]Everything Is Terrible – Infomercial Hell

[10]Serious Eats – Video: Montage of Informercial Fails

[11]Pleated Jeans – Supercut: Infomercial Fails

[12]Neatorama – As Seen on TV: Infomercial Fails

[13]I Waste So Much Time – Infomercial Fails Compilation

[14]Tumblr – Infomercial Problems

[15]Huffington Post – 13 Infomercial FAILS To Make You Cringe (VIDEO)

[16]Buzzfeed – 33 Infomercial Characters Who Need To Get Their Shit Together

[17]Reddit – My collection of infomercial GIFs

Lörs Lärä


Lörs lärä describes a series of various .mp3 files featuring badly drawn versions of Donald Duck with captions made by text-to-speech software.


>lörs lärä is the best known >prööt prällällää derivative. It has also spawned several variations, including spooky lärä, lörs lärä2, glitched up lärä, lörs-motion, etc. >lörs lärä, unlike >prööt prällällää, was not forced; lots of ebin OC, including >splut sprellas, >shits diärrheä and >spörs sörselö, among others, was made in the thread linked below. Lörs lärä was also included in lörs.mp3 AKA silovateljski glasovi.mp3.


Lörs lärä provides the listener a critique of contemporary consumerist society. A society that, for the first time in the history of societies, is devoid of meaning, precisely because of the equalization of all virtues, ethics and goals that cultural marxism has brought about.
Lörs lärä embodies the psychological evolution of an individual in this society. Initially, the subject embarks on an instinctive search for meaning by adopting one of society’s prefabricated social philosophies. These are indeed fabrications as they consist of mere abstract notions which form a coherent whole, but which neither correspond with nor are applicable to the subject’s reality. Examples include communism, anarcho-capitalism, nationalism, fascism. A faith in and a strong adherence to all doctrines of the chosen prefabricated social philosophy are characteristic of this phase. As the individual nears the end of this phase, he gets increasingly aware of and uncomfortable with the realization that his choice is essentially arbitrary. This phase has not yet been audibly documented.
The discomfort at the end of the first stage is resolved by resorting to meaning through absurdity. The subject engages in a series of increasingly desperate attempts to extract meaning from his surrounding. One such attempt is documented here >>14828651. A non-audible example of this phase is the use of (variations on) :DDD as a postfix of every statement, regardless of the arbitrary perceived emotions that the neurotypical has learned to connect with these statements (“bls, resbond :DDD”, “oh fug :DDD”, and so on).
The subject soon realizes the futility of these attempts --futile because the consumerist society into with which his entire being is interwoven is inherently devoid of meaning-- and in response, he abandons them and starts reproducing the absence of meaning in his creations. >>14828488 is the most well known of such reproductions. The subject’s reproductions are almost always created using speech synthesis software. The blandness and absence of intonation of the more primitive speech synthesis software indicates a lack of any and all emotion or feeling and is symbolic of the subject’s state of mind at this phase. Most /int/ users identify themselves with this phase of the mental evolution and consequentially, most of the other lörs lärä productions are of the same format.
In the final stage, the subject’s mental health decays markedly as a result of being crushed by the inbearable burden of having witnessed the unveiling of the facade that keeps the neurotypicals sane and shielded from the mental desert that is the consumerist society. He falls into what neurotypicals would describe as a state of insanity. Symptoms include non-sensical posting (also known as shitposting) and an extreme hostility towards and fear of society and those that conform to it. This is well exemplified by the poor English fellow who, when approached by a female acquintance of his, offers her money in a desperate attempt to flee possible interaction with her. Society is alien and frightening to a subject in this phase. He is unable to use (neurotypical) common sense and instead offers her money for he knows not what to do.
The recent demonic and spooky lörs lärä’s are attempts to capture the mental state of a subject in this final phase.


anus ribale
aserehe ketsup
bark brölölö
blges kindc
bob fergusson
fistro pecadorrl
kechäp püddddddd
kiissu kiusä
kulli kyrvällä
lir prls
lirs pärs
lärs sprälää
läts sprölää
lör lers
lör ps
lörsel lurts
löts lololö (file name löts.mp3)
naamloos (a different version of löts, also known as löts lololö, with the correct Finnish pronunciation)
Mahaner Kuliuliuliuliuuu
Meknes-Tafilalet (filename mknstfllt.mp3)
mörsi dem (from Skrillex feat. Damian Marley – Make It Bun Dem)
ojoak uj
rëpëël prölöölöë
rätä lädri
plainsboro pöytyä
plers plör
plärd pölps
prii pryy
prlsh prööx (2 versions)
prtüshsh lrëlerl
purplë pürrüluüt
pöndö pürs
Also including pöndö pyrs and plurda ploro, the lesser-known versions
pört plöla
ribals roiskis
röttöröttö taktaktak
shits diärrheä
smöörs snäärps
spade spatula
spatsler (file name spatslrp.mp3)
splats plölölö
splut sprellas
splöss sprlärlsässssss (file name splöss.mp3)
sport parallel
sp ps
spröls pörlörllörl
spröt kölililili
sprööt sprolela
spïts spraghkl (original file name DICKS.mp3)
spörs sëpelë
spörs sörselö
spörts spera
spöörsh spålt
spöört plär
spööt spizz
suihku kutsuis
söbels sälälo
sös läl
tröööt prsjäsässhhhh
tupu duku
vebn vutilöä
šploťovää pŕŕlť

Floppy Disk Drive Music Videos



Floppy Disk Drive Music Videos are videos in which musicians orchestrate multiple floppy disk drives to perform well-known songs in the style of glitch music.


One of the first floppy disk drive music videos was posted to YouTube on September 16th, 2007 by drbpony. Titled “The Singing 1541 Floppy Drive,” the video showed a Commodore 64 floppy disk drive playing a programmed tune.


In June 2008, a video of a floppy disk playing the Imperial March from Star Wars (shown below, left) was featured on Hack A Day[11], Today and Tomorrow[12], Think Artificial[13], Buzzfeed[14] and Make Magazine.[15] The next year, artist Mike Kohn[5] launched a section on his personal site to exhibit his floppy drive music work (shown below, left), featuring Bach’s Invention 13.

In 2011, tutorials on how to make these orchestrated floppy drive sounds appeared on Locker Gnome[8] and Lifehacker.[1] Additionally, Geekosystem[4] featured a different Imperial March video by Pawel Zadrożniak (shown below, left) made by students at the Polish AGH University of Science and Technology in September 2011. The next month, YouTuber MrSolidSnake749[10] launched his floppy disk music video channel with his version of the Imperial March (shown below, right). In 2012, another tutorial appeared on Instructables[7] while Techeblog[6] and Make Use Of[2] curated lists of floppy disk music videos.

Notable Examples

As of February 2013, there are more than 6800 search results for “floppy drive” on YouTube.[9]

Search Interest

External References

Louis C.K.

We Are Young



“We Are Young” is a 2011 song by the indie pop band Fun. Following its commercial success in 2012, the song and music video inspired the creation of many notable parodies and tributes on YouTube.


“We are Young” was released on September 20th, 2011 as the lead single for the band’s second studio album Some Nights. On December 27th, the official music video was uploaded to the FueledbyRamen YouTube channel (shown below), where it received over 166 million views and 182,000 comments over the span of two years.


On February 23rd, 2012, YouTuber tankiller662 uploaded a cover of “We Are Young,” using video footage shot around his neighborhood accompanied by several bizarre animations and effects (shown below, left). On March 25th, YouTuber Mikey Bolts uploaded a parody video with lyrics describing various teenage pranks titled “We are Dumb” (shown below, right). Within the next ten months, the video garnered more than 1.06 million views and 1,000 comments.

On April 16th, Yahoo[1] released an original parody video titled “We’re Not Young,” which humorously laments the troubles and frustrations experienced by thirty-somethings, including finding meaningful work, obtaining health insurance and overcoming depression. Two days later, the video was re-uploaded to YouTube (shown below, left), where it received over 770,000 views and 550 comments in the next nine months. On May 1st, MTV[3] published an interview with Fun, in which lead vocalist Nate Ruess was quoted saying he felt that most parodies of the song were “not funny.” On May 7th, the a capella group Pentatonix uploaded a cover of the song to their official YouTube channel (shown below, right), accumulating upwards of 7.07 million views and 14,800 comments within the next eight months.

On September 17th, students from a Kansas high school uploaded a parody video titled “We Are Hungry,” which protested lunch restrictions placed on high school menus. Within five months, the video garnered upwards of 1.1 million views and 3,400 comments.

On November 4th, Redditor SmokeManmuscle submitted the cover by YouTuber tankiller662 to the /r/cringe[2] subreddit, where it received over 8,300 up votes and 770 comments within three months. The video saw a marked increase in traffic on YouTube, gaining several hundred thousand views in coming months.

Notable Examples

There are over 2,500 search results for the query “fun we are young parody”[4] and more than 54,000 results for the query “fun we are young cover”[5] on YouTube as of February 2013.


Many tribute images can be found on the sites Tumblr[7] and Pinterest[8] under the tag “#we are young.”

Search Interest

External References

Filthy Frank



Filthy Frank is the online handle of YouTuber DizastaMusic who is known for popularizing the “Harlem shake” dance video trend in February of 2013.

Online History

The DizastaMusic YouTube[1] channel was created on June 15th, 2008. The first video was uploaded to the channel several days later, which featured a man wearing a Rasta costume dancing to the song “Get Low” by rapper Lil Jon (shown below).

On March 31st, 2010, the @FilthyFrank Twitter[2] feed was created, accumulating over 11,900 followers within the next three years. On December 8th, 2011, the official Filthy Frank Facebook[3] page was created, which received more than 42,800 likes within the next 14 months. On February 29th, 2012, a video titled “Mr. Pink and Friends” was uploaded to the DizastaMusic YouTube channel, featuring Frank and another man wearing spandex body suits while acting mentally disabled and performing pranks in public places (shown below, left). Within one year, the video received over 229,000 views and 590 comments. On May 12th, Filthy Frank published a video in which he dances to the song “First of the Year (Equinox)” by Skrillex while wearing his pink body suit (shown below, right). Over the course of the next nine months, the video garnered upwards of 1.2 million views and 4,000 comments.

Harlem Shake

On February 2nd, 2013, Filthy Frank uploaded a video in which he and several friends wearing different colored body suits perform variations of the “Harlem shake” dance (shown below). Over the next week, the video accumulated over 350,000 views and inspired many other YouTubers to create additional “Harlem shake” videos.


Filthy Frank is known for using racial and ethnic humor in his videos, which may be considered offensive by some viewers. On May 31st, 2012, a video was uploaded to the DizastaMusic YouTube channel in which Frank performs 100 accents from around the world based on racial and ethnic stereotypes (shown below, left), followed by a second part uploaded on June 12 (shown below, right).

On August 25th, Frank uploaded a similar video titled “How to Say Hello in 30 Languages,” performing additional impersonations of people in various countries from around the world (shown below). All three videos rank in Filthy Frank’s top five most viewed as of February 2013.

Other Notable Videos

Personal Life

The identity of Filthy Frank has yet to be verified. In December of 2012, YouTuber BlamedForRape commented to a DizastaMusic video[4] claiming that Frank’s real name was George Miller and that they had attended high school together (shown below).

Search Interest

External References



W.I.P. Feel free to request editorship


KSIolajideBT (known as Olajide Olatunji / JJ Olatunji in real life) is a famous online gamer who mostly makes FIFA related videos, but sometimes plays other games, such as horror games, or difficult / awkward games, often with his brother, ComedyShortsGamer (Deji Olatunji). He is known for his large variety of humorous events and his humor in general. He also has several notable features / events related to him and others, such as his rape face, welcome to beast, and his Q&A Sundays.

As of today, he has accumulated 1,281,736 total subscribers and 342,069,726 total video views.


KSI joined YouTube on July 24th, 2009, where he uploaded his first video on January 31st, 2010, titled ‘Modern Warfare 2 Care Package Kill’, in where in a game of CoD: MW2, he crushes one of his enemies with a care package. Shown here:

According to his website, he got his name by combining his name and a Halo clan he used to be in, and BT standing for British Telecom.



Rape face

KSI’s rape face is a face he pulls in a variety of his videos showing a frightening and funny nature. It is used often in his Q&A’s.

Get Hyper

Get Hyper is a dubstep / electro song composed by Droideka, and KSI first used it in one of his Q&A sundays, and is often used for humorous moments and in his Q&A sundays ifever he’s asked to get hyper with someone. The song can be heard here:

Tellytubby dance

KSI teamed up with another YouTuber called ‘Callux’ to make a video of the two dancing and doing a variety of other moves in tellytubby costumes to the iconic song ‘Get Hyper’ in London. His video was taken down by YouTube but short after, user ‘Tech2050’ reuploaded the video, gaining over a million views. The video can be seen here:

The reason why it was deleted is still unknown, but it has been reuploaded many times after.



Search interest

So God Made a(n) X



So God Made A(n) X is a series of video parodies and tributes based off of Ram Trucks’ Super Bowl XLVII commercial entitled ‘So God Made a Farmer’. These videos feature voiceovers that paraphrase the word from the commercial, and are about people of different professions or subcultures in place of farmers. The visual aspect of the videos is most often comprised of slideshows consisting of still images related to the subject at hand.

Origin & Spread

The Ram commercial uses voice clips from former radio personality Paul Harvey’s So God Made a Farmer speech, which was given by him in 1978 at a Future Farmers of America convention. Although the Harvey’s speech was speech was popular at the time, being reproduced in several contemporary publications, it received new interest after being the basis for Chrysler’s two-minute Super Bowl XLVII ad, which aired on February 3, 2013. After the speech was used in the Super Bowl ad, the Youtube clip of it amassed over 9 million views in 5 days.

The day after the Super Bowl commercial aired, the first derivative works began to appear on Youtube that replaced Harvey’s characteristics of a farmer with characteristics of other groups, such as gamers, DJs, Ponies, or even douchebags. Unlike other forms of Youtube parodies, these are not always made in jest, and occasionally have a serious or sombre tone.

Notable Examples

External References

[1]Wikipedia – So God Made a Farmer

[2]PetaPixel – Info on Chrysler ad

4Kids Entertainment



4Kids Entertainment are an American licensing company, responsible for dubbing a variety of different anime, such as Pokémon, One Piece[1], Yu-Gi-Oh! and Sailor Moon[2]. They have become infamous on the English-speaking web due to their Americanization of anime.


4Kids was originally founded In 1970 as Leisure Concepts Inc, as an independent licensing agency. The company changed to 4Kids Entertainment, Inc in 1995, and started to license popular anime and bring them to the U.S. One of the companies first major success’ was their work on the popular Pokemon anime, based off a Nintendo video game series of the same name, helping to build on the popular Pokemon craze growing at the time. Due to the success of the show, 4Kids also moved to dub other popular anime, most notably Yu-Gi-Oh!. On December 21 2012, 4Kids was turned into 4Licensing Corporation due to the company’s recent bankruptcy[3].


4Kids has an overall negative reputation of the English-speaking web, due to their Americanization of their anime series. The different dub edits are often the subject of ridicule among anime fans, due to the nature of the edits, most infamously the removal of rice balls in the Pokemon anime. Many anime fans argue that 4Kids over-editing ruins anime, and many of the edits are unnecessary.


What if 4Kids got X?

“What if 4Kids got X?” is a series of video parodies revolving around what would happen if 4Kids were to dub a number of different anime. The videos usually show the anime being dumbed down and made more basic and kid-friendly.

4Kids National Anthem

The 4Kids National Anthem is a video made by 4Kids showing different characters singing the American national anthem. The video was subject to ridicule, due to the amount of anime characters used in the video.

4Kids hates Rice Balls

4Kids hates Rice Balls is a phrase used to represent the editing-out of Rice Balls and other Japanese food within the 4Kids Pokemon dub. It is often use to represent the absurdity of all 4Kids edits and Americanization

Search Interest


External References

[1]Wikipedia – One Piece

[2]Wikipedia – Sailor Moon

[3]Wikipedia – 4Kids – Yu-Gi-Oh! lawsuit and bankruptcy

Has Science Gone Too Far?



Has Science Gone Too Far? is a series of parody advertisements for the website Officialquiz.com, which typically feature poorly photoshopped images challenging the viewer to determine whether the photo is “real” or “fake.”


The domain for the website Officialquiz.com was registered on October 23rd, 2008, which provided “IQ tests” to paid subscribers. The website ran a widespread banner advertising campaign, which asked viewers if photoshopped images such as the Helicopter Shark[1] were “real or fake?”, adding that a majority of people could not accurately predict the answer (shown below). As of February 2013, Officialquiz.com is no longer open to subscriptions.

The earliest known instance with the caption “Has science gone too far?” was submitted to FunnyJunk[1] by user stupot on January 31st, 2010, featuring a photograph of a seagull edited to have human arms.


The photoshopped seagull image was submitted by Redditor thebeefytaco to the /r/funny[3] subreddit on May 14th, 2011, where it received over 5,000 up votes and 400 comments prior to being archived. On April 1st, 2012, Redditor Kronson submitted another example to the /r/funny[4] subreddit, featuring a cat with a poorly photoshopped piranha superimposed on its face (shown below, left). Prior to being archived, the post accumulated more than 5,100 up votes and 120 comments. On April 6th, FunnyJunk[5] user fegeltroll submitted an example featuring a photo of actress Kirsten Stewart from the fantasy film series Twilight (shown below, right). Within the next 10 months, the post received over 30,000 views, 1,100 up votes and 60 comments.

On September 5th, a Facebook[6] page titled “Has science gone too far?” was launched, garnering more than 130 likes within the next five months. As of February 11th, 2013, search queries for “Has Science Gone Too Far?” yield over one thousand results on FunnyJunk,[7] where the phrase has been used in a similar vein to What Has Science Done? in reference to any poorly photoshopped image.

Notable Examples

Additional examples can be found on the microblogging site Tumblr under the tag “#has science gone too far.”[9]

Search Interest

External References

Mad Men Opening Credits Parody




Mad Men Parodies are video spoofs based on the opening credits of the TV drama series Mad Men on AMC cable nework.


On wikipedia:“Mad Men is an American period drama television series created and produced by Matthew Weiner. The series premiered on July 19, 2007, on the American cable network AMC and is produced by Lionsgate Television. The series concluded its fifth season on June 10, 2012, and has been renewed for a sixth season, which will premiere on April 7, 2013.”[1]
The show has been critically acclaimed by critics.

The original opening of Mad Men[2]:


Due to the show’s authentic animated opening, many parodies and spoofs have been created.

Notable Examples

The Simpsons Mad Men Parody:

Star Wars:

Mad Men Portal:

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Mad Men Spoof[3]:

Mad Lego Men [6]:

Mad Men Obama:

Alice in Wonderland Mad Men:

Conan O’Brien Mad Men Parody[7]:

Sesame Street Mad Men Parody[8]:

Frat Mad Men Parody[5]:

Their are also spoof pictures of the show’s main character Don Draper, depicted as the black and white silhouette pose of a faceless man.

Original Mad Men:


Star Wars:






Search Interest

External References

Pope Benedict XVI's Resignation



Pope Benedict XVI’s Resignation refers to the announcement made by the Vatican in February of 2013 that Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger would step down from his papacy as Pope Benedict XVI. The pope’s resignation was widely reported in online news media and sparked conversations on various social networking and microblogging services.


On February 11th, 2013, the Italian news site Ansa[1] reported that Pope Benedict XVI would resign by the end of the month due to age-related health issues. The same day, the Vatican released the full text of the pope’s resignation on the Radio Vaticana[8] website:

Dear Brothers,
I have convoked you to this Consistory, not only for the three canonizations, but also to communicate to you a decision of great importance for the life of the Church. After having repeatedly examined my conscience before God, I have come to the certainty that my strengths, due to an advanced age, are no longer suited to an adequate exercise of the Petrine ministry.

I am well aware that this ministry, due to its essential spiritual nature, must be carried out not only with words and deeds, but no less with prayer and suffering. However, in today’s world, subject to so many rapid changes and shaken by questions of deep relevance for the life of faith, in order to govern the barque of Saint Peter and proclaim the Gospel, both strength of mind and body are necessary, strength which in the last few months, has deteriorated in me to the extent that I have had to recognize my incapacity to adequately fulfill the ministry entrusted to me. For this reason, and well aware of the seriousness of this act, with full freedom I declare that I renounce the ministry of Bishop of Rome, Successor of Saint Peter, entrusted to me by the Cardinals on 19 April 2005, in such a way, that as from 28 February 2013, at 20:00 hours, the See of Rome, the See of Saint Peter, will be vacant and a Conclave to elect the new Supreme Pontiff will have to be convoked by those whose competence it is.
Dear Brothers, I thank you most sincerely for all the love and work with which you have supported me in my ministry and I ask pardon for all my defects. And now, let us entrust the Holy Church to the care of Our Supreme Pastor, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and implore his holy Mother Mary, so that she may assist the Cardinal Fathers with her maternal solicitude, in electing a new Supreme Pontiff. With regard to myself, I wish to also devotedly serve the Holy Church of God in the future through a life dedicated to prayer.

Bendict XVI’s resignation was the first time a Pope had voluntarily left the papacy since Gregory XII in 1415, who quit to end a civil war in the church.

Notable Developments

News Media Coverage

On February 11th, 2013, the Vatican’s announcement was reported by several news media outlets, including The BBC,[3]CBS,[4] The New York Times,[5]USA Today,[12] The Washington Post,[13]CNN,[17] The Guardian[14] and Fox News.[15] The same day, ABC News[16] published an article introducing seven cardinals of the Catholic Church that could potentially become the next Pope. Also on February 11th, The Telegraph[19] published an article speculating a possible succession by the first black Pope, noting that the church may consider Cardinal Peter Turkson of Ghana or Cardinal Francis Arinze of Nigeria to further their involvement in the developing world.

Online Reaction

On February 11th, 2013, Redditor realmenwearkilts submitted an image macro to the /r/atheism[2] subreddit, featuring a photoshopped picture of Pope Benedict XVI wearing a Scumbag Hat miter, accompanied by the caption “‘Chosen by God’ / Quits” (shown below). Within seven hours, the post received over 19,900 up votes and 1,000 comments.

Several hours later, an “Official Pope Thread” was created in the /r/Christianity[18] subreddit, which served as a depository for all news articles, discussions and speculations about the Pope’s resignation and his successor. Within eight hours, the post received over 720 up votes and 540 comments. The same day, the keyword “Pope” became a worldwide trending topic on Twitter, with many users expressing dismay, taking the opportunity to criticize the church or tweeting jokes about the resignation. Round-up compilations of people’s reactions on Twitter were subsequently published on the Internet news blog UpRoxx[7] and The Wall Street Journal’s Dispatch blog.[6]

Image Macros

Search Interest

Not available.

External References

Flula Borg



Flula Borg is a techno DJ and a YouTube video blogger known for documenting his adjustment to life in America after moving from southern Germany to Los Angeles, California.

Online History

Flula launched a personal website[1] in 2004, followed by a MySpace music account[2] in January 2006. Later that year, on September 21st, Flula appeared in a Current.TV video highlighting a local Los Angeles business that picks up drunk drivers and takes them and their car home safely. In the clip, Flula is shown using the service and rambling drunken nonsense in the back seat of his vehicle.

On February 13th, 2007, Flula launched his YouTube channel[3], but he did not upload his first video (shown below) until June 22nd of that year. His first upload shows him hanging out with his roommate David and explains several of the American things Flula had tried since moving to the United States, including peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, which he erroneously calls “a PPJ.” As of February 2013, the channel has nearly 80,000 subscribers and more than 18 million video views.

Later that year, he highlighted a photo of a fan wearing a shirt with his name on it on his blog.[6] In 2008, he launched a Twitter account[4], which has nearly 15,000 followers as of February 2013. He also began regularly appearing on Stickam[7] and Current.TV.[8] The same year, he became the first European to win the Scion Hypeman Contest in Chicago (shown below, left).[9] In 2009, Flula took part in a prank call with YouTuber OwnagePranks (shown below, right), introducing his YouTube channel to a new audience. Later that year, he launched a Facebook fan page[5], which has amassed more than 17,000 likes over three years. By 2012, the fan site FloopyLand[16] had been launched for his fans to share photos, videos and stories of the DJ and throughout that year, his videos were featured on Time Techland[17], TubeFilter[18], Buzzfeed[19], Break[20] and Uproxx.[21]

In 2012, the Flula fan site FloopyLand[16] launched for fans to share photos, videos and stories of the YouTuber. That year, his videos were also featured on Time Techland[17], TubeFilter[18], Buzzfeed[19], Break[20] and Uproxx.[21]

Thoughts On English Language

In September 2011, Flula began vlogging about the strange nature of English language idioms, beginning with the term “Daddy longlegs” referring to the Opiliones type of spider (shown below, left). About a month later, a video attempting to logic behind the game Rock Paper Scissors (shown below, left) was shared widely on sites including The FW[10], the Huffington Post[11], Social Times[12], Laughing Squid[13], MetaFilter[14] and The Daily Dot.[15]

Auto-Tune in the Car

On August 2nd, 2012, Flula launched a new video series titled Auto-Tunes[22] via his YouTube channel, in which he covered popular songs while in in his car. The first video was a cover of “Whistle” by Flo Rida (shown below) using a keyboard, xylophone and accordian. It gained more than 98,000 views in six months.

Notable Videos

Search Interest

External References

RPG Parodies



RPG Parodies are 8-bit or 16-bit remakes of memorable scenes or episodes from popular films and television shows, typically featuring pixel art graphics and chiptune music that mimic the aesthetics of a 1990s role-playing video game (RPG).


The American chiptune musician and pixel artist Levi Buffum (a.k.a. Doctor Octoroc)[3] uploaded a video to YouTube featuring an 8-bit game parody of the musical web series Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog on April 5th, 2010 (shown below). Within the next three years, the video received over 580,000 views and 1,100 comments.


On October 10th, 2010, the Internet humor site College Humor[5] published a video by Buffum, featuring an RPG parody video of the reality television show The Jersey Shore (shown below, left). In the following three years, the video received over 3,300 Facebook likes on College Humor and 1.7 million views on YouTube. On December 23rd, The Fine Bros YouTube channel uploaded an interactive RPG parody video featuring Antoine Dodson from the 2011 “Bed Intruder” news report and set to the Gregory Brothers’ auto-tune song (shown below, right), which accumultated more than 740,000 views and 260 comments in three years.

On June 29th, 2011, College Humor[6] released another video by Buffum, featuring an RPG parody of the show Man Vs. Wild with survivalist Bear Grylls (shown below, left). In the next two years, the video received over 23,000 likes on College Humor and 960,000 views on YouTube. On November 12th, 2012, YouTuber Kristie Lu uploaded an RPG version of the fantasy film Twilight (shown below, right). The following day, the video was posted on the video game news blog Kotaku.[4] In the next three months, the video garnered more than 7,700 views and 20 comments.

On January 29th, 2013, College Humor[2] published an RPG parody of the television drama series Homeland, which included a scene referencing the Claire Danes Cry Face (shown below). Within two weeks, the video received over 4,600 Facebook likes.

Notable Examples

Search Interest

Not available.

External References

[1]College Humor – Breaking Bad RPG

[2]College Humor – Homeland RPG

[3]Wikipedia – Doctor Octoroc

[4]Kotaku – The Twilight RPG Parody is on the Money

[5]College Humor – Jersey Shore RPG

[6]College Humor – Man Vs Wild RPG

2013 Southern California Shootings



The 2013 Southern California shootings refer to a series of incidents across Southern California. The shootings were commited by a former LAPD officer named Christopher Jordan Dorner, who also had experience as a Navy soldier. The shootings were described as being “revenge” on those who led to his firing and release from both the police force and the LAPD.

James Dorner

In a manifesto posted online, Dorner declared “unconventional and asymmetric warfare” upon the Los Angeles Police Department, their families, and their associates, until the LAPD admitted publically he was fired in retaliation for reporting excessive force.
In two separate incidents during the manhunt, police shot at three civilians unrelated to Dorner, mistaking their pickup trucks for the vehicle being driven by Dorner. One of the civilians was hit by the police gunfire, another was wounded by shattered glass, and a third individual was injured when police rammed his vehicle.


The manifesto detailed the backstory for why he started to do what he did. It tells of his firing and all of the events leading up to it, including supposed corruption within the LAPD and racism. The manifesto includes names of officers, locations, and instructions for journalists to follow regarding the information, and has thus been censored by most news outlets so as not to put certain people in more danger than they are already in. It seems to be cut off at the end, which is unexplained.

From: Christopher Jordan Dorner /7648

To: America

Subj: Last resort

Regarding CF# 07-004281

I know most of you who personally know me are in disbelief to hear from media reports that I am suspected of committing such horrendous murders and have taken drastic and shocking actions in the last couple of days. You are saying to yourself that this is completely out of character of the man you knew who always wore a smile wherever he was seen. I know I will be villified by the LAPD and the media. Unfortunately, this is a necessary evil that I do not enjoy but must partake and complete for substantial change to occur within the LAPD and reclaim my name. The department has not changed since the Rampart and Rodney King days. It has gotten worse. The consent decree should never have been lifted. The only thing that has evolved from the consent decree is those officers involved in the Rampart scandal and Rodney King incidents have since promoted to supervisor, commanders, and command staff, and executive positions.

The question is, what would you do to clear your name?


A word or set of words by which a person, animal, place, or thing is known, addressed, or referred to.

Name Synonyms;

reputation, title, appellation, denomination, repute.

A name is more than just a noun, verb, or adjective. It’s your life, your legacy, your journey, sacrifices, and everything you’ve worked hard for every day of your life as and adolescent, young adult and adult. Don’t let anybody tarnish it when you know you’ve live up to your own set of ethics and personal ethos.

In 8/07 I reported an officer (Ofcr. Teresa Evans/now a Sergeant), for kicking a suspect (excessive force) during a Use of Force while I was assigned as a patrol officer at LAPD’s Harbor Division. While cuffing the suspect, (Christopher Gettler), Evans kicked the suspect twice in the chest and once in the face. The kick to the face left a visible injury on the left cheek below the eye. Unfortunately after reporting it to supervisors and investigated by PSB (internal affairs investigator Det. Villanueva/Gallegos), nothing was done. I had broken their supposed “Blue Line”. Unfortunately, It’s not JUST US, it’s JUSTICE!!! In fact, 10 months later on 6/25/08, after already successfully completing probation, acquiring a basic Post Certificate, and Intermediate Post Certificate, I was relieved of duty by the LAPD while assigned to patrol at Southwest division. It is clear as day that the department retaliated toward me for reporting Evans for kicking Mr. Christopher Gettler. The department stated that I had lied and made up the report that Evans had kicked the suspect. I later went to a Board of Rights (department hearing for decision of continued employment) from 10/08 to 1/09. During this BOR hearing a video was played for the BOR panel where Christopher Gettler stated that he was indeed kicked by Officer Evans (video sent to multiple news agencies). In addition to Christopher Gettler stating he was kicked, his father Richard Gettler, also stated that his son had stated he was kicked by an officer when he was arrested after being released from custody. This was all presented for the department at the BOR hearing. They still found me guilty and terminated me. What they didn’t mention was that the BOR panel made up of Capt. Phil Tingirides, Capt. Justin Eisenberg, and City Attorney Martella had a signigicant problem from the time the board was assembled. Capt. Phil Tingirides was a personal friend of Teresa Evans from when he was her supervisor at Harbor station. That is a clear conflict of interest and I made my argument for his removal early and was denied. The advocate for the LAPDBOR was Sgt. Anderson. Anderson also had a conflict of interest as she was Evans friend and former partner from Harbor division where they both worked patrol together. I made my argument for her removal when I discovered her relation to Evans and it was denied.

During the BOR, the department attempted to label me unsuccessfully as a bully. They stated that I had bullied a recruit, Abraham Schefres, in the academy when in reality and unfounded disposition from the official 1.28 formal complaint investigation found that I was the one who stood up for Abraham Schefres when other recruits sang nazi hitler youth songs about burning Jewish ghettos in WWII Germany where his father was a survivor of a concentration camp. How fucking dare you attempt to label me with such a nasty vile word. I ask that all earnest journalist investigating this story ask Ofcr. Abraham Schefres about the incident when Ofcr. Burdios began singing a nazi youth song about burning jewish ghettos.

The internal affairs investigation in the academy involving Schefres was spurned by a complaint that I had initiated toward two fellow recruit/offifcers. While on a assigned patrol footbeat in Hollywood Division, Officers Hermilio Buridios IV and Marlon Magana (both current LAPD officers) decided that they would voice their personal feelings about the black community. While traveling back to the station in a 12 passenger van I heard Magana refer to another individual as a nigger. I wasn’t sure if I heard correctly as there were many conversations in the van that was compiled of at least 8 officers and he was sitting in the very rear and me in the very front. Even with the multiple conversations and ambient noise I heard Officer Magana call an indivdual a nigger again. Now that I had confirmed it, I told Magana not to use that word again. I explained that it was a well known offensive word that should not be used by anyone. He replied, “I’ll say it when I want”. Officer Burdios, a friend of his, also stated that he would say nigger when he wanted. At that point I jumped over my front passenger seat and two other officers where I placed my hands around Burdios’ neck and squeezed. I stated to Burdios, “Don’t fucking say that”. At that point there was pushing and shoving and we were separated by several other officers. What I should have done, was put a Winchester Ranger SXT 9mm 147 grain bullet in his skull and Officer Magana’s skull. The Situation would have been resolved effective, immediately. The sad thing about this incident was that when Detective Ty from internal affairs investigated this incident only (1) officer (unknown) in the van other than myself had statements constistent with what actually happened. The other six officers (John Carey, Gary Parker, Jacob Waks, Abraham Schefres and names I have forgotten) all stated they heard nothing and saw nothing. Shame on every one of you. Shame on Detective Ty (same ethnicity as Burdios) for creating a separate 1.28 formal complaint against me (Schefres complaint) in retaliation for initiating the complaint against Burdios and Magana. Don’t retaliate against honest officers for breaking your so called blue line. I hope your son Ryan Ty, who I knew, is a better officer than you, Detective Ty.The saddest part of this ordeal was that Officer Burdios and Magana were only given 22 day suspensions and are still LAPD officers to this day. That day, the LAPD stated that it is acceptable for fellow officers to call black officers niggers to their face and you will receive a slap on the wrist. Even sadder is that during that 22 day suspension Buridios and Magana received is that the LAPPL (Los Angeles Police Protective League) paid the officers their salaries while they were suspended. When I took a two day suspension for an accidental discharge, I took my suspension and never applied for a league salary. Its called integrity.

Journalist, I want you to investigate every location I resided in growing up. Find any incidents where I was ever accused of being a bully. You won’t, because it doesn’t exist. It’s not in my DNA. Never was. I was the only black kid in each of my elementary school classes from first grade to seventh grade in junior high and any instances where I was disciplined for fighting was in response to fellow students provoking common childhood schoolyard fights, or calling me a nigger or other derogatory racial names. I grew up in neighborhoods where blacks make up less than 1%. My first recollection of racism was in the first grade at Norwalk Christian elementary school in Norwalk, CA. A fellow student, Jim Armstrong if I can recall, called me a nigger on the playground. My response was swift and non-lethal. I struck him fast and hard with a punch an kick. He cried and reported it to a teacher. The teacher reported it to the principal. The principal swatted Jim for using a derogatory word toward me. He then for some unknown reason swatted me for striking Jim in response to him calling me a nigger. He stated as good Christians we are to turn the other cheek as Jesus did. Problem is, I’m not a fucking Christian and that old book, made of fiction and limited non-fiction, called the bible, never once stated Jesus was called a nigger. How dare you swat me for standing up for my rights for demanding that I be treated as a equal human being. That day I made a life decision that i will not tolerate racial derogatory terms spoken to me. Unfortunately I was swatted multiple times for the same exact reason up until junior high. Terminating me for telling the truth of a caucasian officer kicking a mentally ill man is disgusting. Don’t ever call me a fucking bully. I want all journalist to utilize every source you have that specializes in collections for your reports. With the discovery and evidence available you will see the truth. Unfortunately, I will not be alive to see my name cleared. That’s what this is about, my name. A man is nothing without his name. Below is a list of locations where I resided from childhood to adulthood.

Cerritos, CA.

Pico Rivera, CA.

La Palma, CA.

Thousand Oaks, CA.

Cedar City, UT.

Pensacola, FL.

Enid, OK.

Yorba Linda, CA.

Las Vegas, NV.

During the BOR an officer named, Sgt. Hernandez, from Los Angeles Port Police testified on behalf of the LAPD. Hernandez stated for the BOR that he arrived at the location of the UOF shortly before I cuffed the suspect. He also stated that he assisted in cuffing the suspect and that’s old the BOR he told me to fix my tie. All of those statements were LIES!!! Hernandez, you arrived at the UOF location up to 30 seconds after I had cuffed Mr. Gettler. All you did was help me lift the suspect to his feet as it was difficult for me to do by myself because of his heavy weight. You did not tell me to fix my tie as the BOR members and everyone else in the room know you lied because the photographic evidence from the UOF scene where Gettler’s injuries were photographed clearly shows me wearing a class B uniform on that day. A class B uniform is a short sleeved uniform blouse. A short sleeved uniform blouse for the LAPD does not have a tie included. This is not Super Troopers uniform, you jackass. Why did you feel the need to embellish and lie about your involvement in the UOF? Are you ashamed that you could not get hired on by any other department other than port police? Do you have delusions of grandeur? What you did was perjury, exactly what Evans did when she stated she did not kick Christopher Gettler.

What they failed to mention in the BOR was Teresa Evans own use of force history during her career on the LAPD. She has admitted that she has a lengthy use of force record and has been flagged several times by risk management. She has a very well known nickname, Chupacabra, which she was very proud to flaunt around the division. She found it very funny and entertaining to draw blood from suspects and arrestees. At one point she even intentionally ripped the flesh off the arm of a woman we had arrested for battery (sprayed her neighbor with a garden water hose). Knowing the woman had thin elastic skin, she performed and Indian burn to the woman’s arm after cuffing her. That woman was in her mid-70′s, a mother and grandmother, and was angry at her tenants who failed to pay rent on time. Something I can completely understand and I am sure many have wanted to do toward tenants who do not pay their rent. Teresa Evans was also demoted from a senior lead officer rank/position for performance issues. During my two months of working patrol with Teresa Evans, I found her as a woman who was very angry that she had been pulled from patrol for a short time because of a domestic violence report made by Long Beach Police Department because of an incident involving her active LAPD officer boyfriend, Dominick Fuentes, and herself. Dominick Fuentes is the same officer investigated for witness tampering. She also was visibly angry on a daily basis that she was going to have to file for bankruptcy because her ex-husband, a former LAPD officer and not Dominick Fuentes, who had left the department, state, and was nowhere to be found had left her with a tax bill and debt that she was unable to pay because of a lack of financial means. Evans, you are a POS and you lied right to the BOR panel when Randy Quan asked you if you kicked Christopher Gettler. You destroyed my life and name because of your actions. Time is up. The time is now to confess to Chief Beck.

I ask that all journalist investigating this story submit request for FOIA with the LAPD to gain access to the BOR transcripts which occurred from 10/08 to 2/09. There, you will see that a video was played for the BOR members of Mr. Christopher Gettler who suffers from Schizophrenia and Dementia stating that he was kicked by a female officer. That video evidence supports my claim that Evans kicked him twice in the upper body and once in the face. I would like all journalist to also request copies of all reports that I had written while employed by LAPD. Whether in the academy, or during my 3 years as a police officer. There are DR#’s attached to each report (investigative report) that I have ever written so they all exist. A FOIA request will most likely be needed to access these at Parker center or at the Personnel/Records. Judge my writin/grammar skills for yourself. The department attempted to paint me as an officer who could not write reports. Even though Sgt. Joel Sydanmaa a training officer who trained me stated for the BOR panel that there was nothing wrong with my report writing and that I was better than all rookie/probationer officers he has ever trained. Officer David Drew stated the same but refused to testify as he did not want to “get involved” with the BOR’s. Contact Sgt. Donald Deming ,(now a Captain at Lompoc PD), Sgt. Thaddeus Faulk, and Sgt. Ed Clark. All will state that my report writing was impeccable. I will tell you this, I always type my reports because I have messy handwriting/penmanship. I never had a single kickback/redlined report at Southwest division and Sgt. Faulk and Sgt. Clark can testify to that. I never received an UNSATISFACTORY on any day or week. The same can be said within the U.S. Naval Reserves. All commanders will state that my report writing was always clear, concise, and impeccable. Even search my AAR (after action reports),chits, Memorandum’s, IIR’s (Intelligence Information Reports) which were written in the Navy. All were pristine.

I had worked patrol at LAPD’s Harbor Division from 2/06 until 7/06 when I was involuntarily recalled back to active duty (US Navy) for a 12 month mobilization/deployment to Centcom in support of OIF/OEF. I returned back to LAPD’s Harbor division on 7/07 and immediately returned to patrol. I worked at Harbor division until 11/07 where I then transferred to Southwest Division. I worked At Southwest division until 6/25/08 when I was relieved of duty.

I have exhausted all available means at obtaining my name back. I have attempted all legal court efforts within appeals at the Superior Courts and California Appellate courts. This is my last resort. The LAPD has suppressed the truth and it has now lead to deadly consequences. The LAPD’s actions have cost me my law enforcement career that began on 2/7/05 and ended on 1/2/09. They cost me my Naval career which started on 4/02 and ends on 2/13. I had a TS/SCI clearance(Top Secret Sensitive Compartmentalized Information clearance) up until shortly after my termination with LAPD. This is the highest clearance a service member can attain other than a Yankee White TS/SCI which is only granted for those working with and around the President/Vice President of the United States. I lost my position as a Commanding Officer of a Naval Security Forces reserve unit at NAS Fallon because of the LAPD. I’ve lost a relationship with my mother and sister because of the LAPD. I’ve lost a relationship with close friends because of the LAPD. In essence, I’ve lost everything because the LAPD took my name and new I was INNOCENT!!! Capt Phil Tingirides, Justin Eisenberg, Martella, Randy Quan, and Sgt. Anderson all new I was innocent but decided to terminate me so they could continue Ofcr. Teresa Evans career. I know about the meeting between all of you where Evans attorney, Rico, confessed that she kicked Christopher Gettler (excessive force). Your day has come.

I’m not an aspiring rapper, I’m not a gang member, I’m not a dope dealer, I don’t have multiple babies momma’s. I am an American by choice, I am a son, I am a brother, I am a military service member, I am a man who has lost complete faith in the system, when the system betrayed, slandered, and libeled me. I lived a good life and though not a religious man I always stuck to my own personal code of ethics, ethos and always stuck to my shoreline and true North. I didn’t need the US Navy to instill Honor, Courage, and Commitment in me but I thank them for re-enforcing it. It’s in my DNA.

Luckily I don’t have to live everyday like most of you. Concerned if the misconduct you were apart of is going to be discovered. Looking over your shoulder, scurrying at every phone call from internal affairs or from the Captains office wondering if that is the day PSB comes after you for the suspects you struck when they were cuffed months/years ago or that $500 you pocketed from the narcotics dealer, or when the other guys on your watch beat a transient nearly to death and you never reported the UOF to the supervisor. No, I don’t have that concern, I stood up for what was right but unfortunately have dealt with the reprocussions of doing the right thing and now losing my name and everything I ever stood for. You fuckers knew Evans was guilty of kicking (excessive force) Gettler and you did nothing but get rid of what you saw as the problem, the whistleblower. Gettler himself stated on video tape ( provided for the BOR and in transcripts) he was kicked and even his father stated that his son said he was kicked by Evans when he was released from custody. The video was played for the entire BOR to hear. Tingirides, Eisenberg, and Martella all heard it. You’re going to see what a whistleblower can do when you take everything from him especially his NAME!!!

Look what you did to Sgt. Gavin (now lieutenant) when he exposed the truth of your lying, racism, and PSB cover-ups to frame and convict an innocent man. You can not police yourselves and the consent decree was unsuccessful. Sgt. Gavin, I met you on the range several times as a recruit and as an officer. You’re a good man and I saw it in your eyes an actions.

Self Preservation is no longer important to me. I do not fear death as I died long ago on 1/2/09. I was told by my mother that sometimes bad things happen to good people. I refuse to accept that.

From 2/05 to 1/09 I saw some of the most vile things humans can inflict on others as a police officer in Los Angeles. Unfortunately, it wasn’t in the streets of LA. It was in the confounds of LAPD police stations and shops (cruisers). The enemy combatants in LA are not the citizens and suspects, it’s the police officers.

People who live in glass houses should not throw stones. How ironic that you utilize a fixed glass structure as your command HQ. You use as a luminous building to symbolize that you are transparent, have nothing to hide, or suppress when in essence, concealing, omitting, and obscuring is your forte.

Chief Beck, this is when you need to have that come to Jesus talk with Sgt. Teresa Evans and everyone else who was involved in the conspiracy to have me terminated for doing the right thing. you also need to speak with her attorney, Rico, and his conversation with the BOR members and her confession of guilt in kicking Mr. Gettler. I’ll be waiting for a PUBLIC response at a press conference. When the truth comes out, the killing stops.

Why didn’t you charge me with filing a false police report when I came forward stating that Evans kicked Mr. Christopher Gettler? You file criminal charges against every other officer who is accused and terminated for filing a false police report. You didn’t because you knew I was innocent and a criminal court would find me innocent and expose your department for suppressing the truth and retaliation, that’s why.

The attacks will stop when the department states the truth about my innocence, PUBLICLY!!! I will not accept any type of currency/goods in exchange for the attacks to stop, nor do i want it. I want my name back, period. There is no negotiation. I am not the state department who states they do not negotiate with terrorist, because anybody with a Secret or TS/SCI has seen IIR’s on SIPR and knows that the US state department always negotiates by using CF countries or independent sovereign/neutral country to mediate and compromising.

This department has not changed from the Daryl Gates and Mark Fuhrman days. Those officers are still employed and have all promoted to Command staff and supervisory positions. I will correct this error. Are you aware that an officer (a rookie/probationer at the time) seen on the Rodney King videotape striking Mr. King multiple times with a baton on 3/3/91 is still employed by the LAPD and is now a Captain on the police department? Captain Rolando Solano is now the commanding officer of a LAPD police station (West LA division). As a commanding officer, he is now responsible for over 200 officers. Do you trust him to enforce department policy and investigate use of force investigations on arrestees by his officers? Are you aware Evans has since promoted to Sergeant after kicking Mr. Gettler in the face. Oh, you Violated a citizens civil rights? We will promote you. Same as LAPD did with the the officers from Metro involved in the May Day melee at MacArthur Park. They promoted them to Sergeant (a supervisor role).

No one is saying you can’t be prejudiced or a bigot. We are all human and hold prejudices. If you state that you don’t have prejudices, your lying! But, when you act on it and victimize innocent citizens and fellow innocen officers, than that is a concern.

For you officers who do the job in the name of JUSTICE, those of you who lost honest officers to this event, look at the name of those on the BOR and the investigating officers from PSB and Evans and ask them, how come you couldn’t tell the truth? Why did you terminate an honest officer and cover for a dishonest officer who victimized a mentally ill citizen.

Sometimes humans feel a need to prove they are the dominant race of a species and they inadvertently take kindness for weakness from another individual. You chose wrong.

Terminating officers because they expose a culture of lying, racism (from the academy), and excessive use of force will immediately change. PSB can not police their own and that has been proven. The blue line will forever be severed and a cultural change will be implanted. You have awoken a sleeping giant.

I am here to change and make policy. The culture of LAPD versus the community and honest/good officers needs to and will change. I am here to correct and calibrate your morale compasses to true north.

Those Caucasian officers who join South Bureau divisions (77th,SW,SE, an Harbor) with the sole intent to victimize minorities who are uneducated, and unaware of criminal law, civil law, and civil rights. You prefer the South bureau because a use of force/deadly force is likely and the individual you use UOF on will likely not report it. You are a high value target.

Those Black officers in supervisory ranks and pay grades who stay in south bureau (even though you live in the valley or OC) for the sole intent of getting retribution toward subordinate caucasians officers for the pain and hostile work environment their elders inflicted on you as probationers (P-1′s) and novice P-2′s. You are a high value target. You perpetuated the cycle of racism in the department as well. You breed a new generation of bigoted caucasian officer when you belittle them and treat them unfairly.

Those Hispanic officers who victimize their own ethnicity because they are new immigrants to this country and are unaware of their civil rights. You call them wetbacks to their face and demean them in front of fellow officers of different ethnicities so that you will receive some sort of acceptance from your colleagues. I’m not impressed. Most likely, your parents or grandparents were immigrants at one time, but you have forgotten that. You are a high value target.

Those lesbian officers in supervising positions who go to work, day in day out, with the sole intent of attempting to prove your misandrist authority (not feminism) to degrade male officers. You are a high value target.

Those Asian officers who stand by and observe everything I previously mentioned other officers participate in on a daily basis but you say nothing, stand for nothing and protect nothing. Why? Because of your usual saying, ” I……don’t like conflict”. You are a high value target as well.

Those of you who “go along to get along” have no backbone and destroy the foundation of courage. You are the enablers of those who are guilty of misconduct. You are just as guilty as those who break the code of ethics and oath you swore.

Citizens/non-combatants, do not render medical aid to downed officers/enemy combatants. They would not do the same for you. They will let you bleed out just so they can brag to other officers that they had a 187 caper the other day and can’t wait to accrue the overtime in future court subpoenas. As they always say, “that’s the paramedics job…not mine”. Let the balance of loss of life take place. Sometimes a reset needs to occur.

It is endless the amount of times per week officers arrest an individual, label him a suspect-arrestee-defendant and then before arraignment or trial realize that he is innocent based on evidence. You know what they say when they realize an innocent man just had his life turned upside down?. “I guess he should have stayed at home that day he was discovered walking down the street and matching the suspects description. Oh well, he appeared to be a dirtbag anyways”. Meanwhile the falsely accused is left to pick up his life, get a new, family, friends, and sense of self worth.

Don’t honor these fallen officers/dirtbags. When your family members die, they just see you as extra overtime at a crime scene and at a perimeter. Why would you value their lives when they clearly don’t value yours or your family members lives? I’ve heard many officers who state they see dead victims as ATV’s, Waverunners, RV’s and new clothes for their kids. Why would you shed a tear for them when they in return crack a smile for your loss because of the impending extra money they will receive in their next paycheck for sitting at your loved ones crime scene of 6 hours because of the overtime they will accrue. They take photos of your loved ones recently deceased bodies with their cellphones and play a game of who has the most graphic dead body of the night with officers from other divisions. This isn’t just the 20 something year old officers, this is the 50 year old officers with significant time on the job as well who participate.

You allow an officer, Thaniya Sungruenyos, to attempt to hack into my credit union account and still remain on the job even when Det. Zolezzi shows the evidence that the IP address (provided by LAPFCU) that attempted to hack into my account and change my username and password leads directly to her residence. You even allow this visibly disgusting looking officer to stay on the job when she perjures (lies) in court (Clark County Family Court) to the judge’s face and denies hacking into my personal credit union online account when I attempted to get my restraint order extended. Det. Zolezzi provided the evidence and you still do nothing.

How do you know when a police officer is lying??? When he begins his sentence with, “based on my experience and training”.

No one grows up and wants to be a cop killer. It was against everything I’ve ever was. As a young police explorer I found my calling in life. But, As a young police officer I found that the violent suspects on the street are not the only people you have to watch. It is the officer who was hired on to the department (pre-2000) before polygraphs were standard for all new hires and an substantial vetting in a backround investigation.

To those children of the officers who are eradicated, your parent was not the individual you thought they were. As you get older,you will see the evidence that your parent was a tyrant who loss their ethos and instead followed the path of moral corruptness. They conspired to hide and suppress the truth of misconduct on others behalf’s. Your parent will have a name and plaque on the fallen officers memorial in D.C. But, In all honesty, your parents name will be a reminder to other officers to maintain the oath they swore and to stay along the shoreline that has guided them from childhood to that of a local, state, or federal law enforcement officer.

Bratton, Beck, Hayes, Tingirides, Eisenberg, Martella, Quan, Evans, Hernandez, Villanueva/Gallegos, and Anderson. Your lack of ethics and conspiring to wrong a just individual are over.

Suppressing the truth will leave to deadly consequences for you and your family. There will be an element of surprise where you work, live, eat, and sleep. I will utilize ISR at your home, workplace, and all locations in between. I will utilize OSINT to discover your residences, spouses workplaces, and children’s schools. IMINT to coordinate and plan attacks on your fixed locations. Its amazing whats on NIPR. HUMINT will be utilized to collect personal schedules of targets. I never had the opportunity to have a family of my own, I’m terminating yours. Quan, Anderson, Evans, and BOR members Look your wives/husbands and surviving children directly in the face and tell them the truth as to why your children are dead.

Never allow a LAPPL union attorney to be a retired LAPD Captain,(Quan). He doesn’t work for you, your interest, or your name. He works for the department, period. His job is to protect the department from civil lawsuits being filed and their best interest which is the almighty dollar. His loyalty is to the department, not his client. Even when he knowingly knows your innocent and the BOR also knows your innocent after Christopher Gettler stated on videotape that he was kicked and Evans attorney confessed to the BOR off the record that she kicked Gettler.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants-TJ. This quote is not directed toward the US government which I fully support 100%. This is toward the LAPD who can not monitor itself. The consent decree should not have been lifted, ever.

I know your TTP’s, (techniques, tactics, and procedures). Any threat assessments you you generate will be useless. This is simple, I know your TTP’s and PPR’s. I will mitigate any of your attempts at preservation. ORM is my friend. I will mitigate all risks, threats and hazards. I assure you that Incident Command Posts will be target rich environments. KMA-367 license plate frames are great target indicators and make target selection even easier.

I will conduct DA operations to destroy, exploit and seize designated targets. If unsuccessful or unable to meet objectives in these initial small scale offensive actions, I will reassess my BDA and re-attack until objectives are met. I have nothing to lose. My personal casualty means nothing. Just alike AAF’s, ACM’s, and AIF’s, you can not prevail against an enemy combatant who has no fear of death. An enemy who embraces death is a lose, lose situation for their enemy combatants.

Hopefully you analyst have done your homework. You are aware that I have always been the top shot, highest score, an expert in rifle qualifications in every unit I’ve been in. I will utilize every bit of small arms training, demolition, ordnance, and survival training I’ve been given.

Do you know why we are unsuccessful in asymmetrical and guerrilla warfare in CENTCOM theatre of operations? I’ll tell you. It’s not the inefficiency of our combatant commanders, planning, readiness or training of troops. Much like the Vietnam war, ACM, AAF, foreign fighters, Jihadist, and JAM have nothing to lose. They embrace death as it is a way of life. I simply don’t fear it. I am the walking exigent circumstance you created.

The Violence of action will be HIGH. I am the reason TAC alert was established. I will bring unconventional and asymmetrical warfare to those in LAPD uniform whether on or off duty. ISR is my strength and your weakness. You will now live the life of the prey. Your RD’s and homes away from work will be my AO and battle space. I will utilize every tool within INT collections that I learned from NMITC in Dam Neck. You have misjudged a sleeping giant. There is no conventional threat assessment for me. JAM, New Ba’ath party, 1920 rev BGE, ACM, AAF, AQAP, AQIM and AQIZ have nothing on me. Do not deploy airships or gunships. SA-7 Manpads will be waiting. As you know I also own Barrett .50′s so your APC are defunct and futile.

You better have all your officers radio/phone muster (code 1) on or off duty every hour, on the hour.

Do not attempt to shadow or conduct any type of ISR on me. I have the inventory listing of all UC vehicles at Piper Tech and the home addresses of any INT analyst at JRIC and detachment locations. My POA is always POI and always true. This will be a war of attrition and a Pyrrhic and Camdean Victory for myself. You may have the resources and manpower but you are reactive and predictable in your op plans and TTP’s. I have the strength and benefits of being unpredictable, unconventional, and unforgiving. Do not waste your time with briefs and tabletops.

Whatever pre-planned responses you have established for a scenario like me, shelve it. Whatever contingency plan you have, shelve it. Whatever tertiary plan you’ve created, shelve it. I am a walking exigent circumstance with no OFF or reset button. JRIC, DOJ, LASD, FBI and other local LE can’t assist and should not involve themselves in a matter that does not concern them. For all other agencies, do not involve yourself in this capture or recovery of me. Look at the big picture of the situation. They (LAPD) created the situation. I will harm no outside agency unless it is a deadly force/IDOL situation. With today’s budgeting and fiscal mess, you guys can not afford lose several officers to IOD or KIA/EOW. Plus, other officers should not have to take on the additional duties and responsibilities of dead officers. Think about their families, outside agencies, Chiefs/Directors.

Outside agencies and individual officers on patrol. If you recognize my vehicle, and confirm it is my vehicle thru a dmv/want warrant check. It behoves you to respond to dispatch that your query was for information purposes only. If you proceed with a traffic stop or attempt to notify other officers of my location or for backup you will not live to see the medal of valor you were hoping to receive for your actions. Think before you attempt to intervene. You will not survive. Your family will receive that medal of valor posthumously. It will gather dust on the fireplace mantel for years. Then one day, it will go in a shoe box with other memories. Your mother will lose a son or daughter. Your significant other will be left alone, but they will find someone else to fill your void in the future and make them just as happy. Your children, if you have them, will call someone else mommy or daddy. Don’t be selfish. Your vest is only a level II or IIIA, think about it.

No amount of IMINT, MASINT, and ELINT assist you in capturing me. I am off the grid. You better use your feet, tongue and every available DOD/ NON-DODHUMINT agency, contractor to find me. I know your route to and from home, and your division. I know your significant others routine, your children’s best friends and recess. I know Your Sancha’s gym hours and routine. I assure you that the casualty rate will be high. Because of that, no one will remember your name. You will merely be a DR# and “that guy” who was KIA/EOW or long term IOD/light duty in the kit room. This is exactly why “station 500″ was created. Unfortunately, orphanages will be making a comeback in the 21st century.

If you had a well regulated AWB, this would not happen. The time is now to reinstitute a ban that will save lives. Why does any sportsman need a 30 round magazine for hunting? Why does anyone need a suppressor? Why does anyone need a AR15 rifle? This is the same small arms weapons system utilized in eradicating Al Qaeda, Taliban, and every enemy combatant since the Vietnam war. Don’t give me that crap that its not a select fire or full auto rifle like the DoD uses. That’s bullshit because troops who carry the M-4/M-16 weapon system for combat ops outside the wire rarely utilize the select fire function when in contact with enemy combatants. The use of select fire probably isn’t even 1% in combat. So in essence, the AR-15 semiautomatic rifle is the same as the M-4/M-16. These do not need to be purchased as easily as walking to your local Walmart or striking the enter key on your keyboard to “add to cart”. All the firearms utilized in my activities are registered to me and were legally purchased at gun stores and private party transfers. All concealable weapons (pistols) were also legally register in my name at police stations or FFL’s. Unfortunately, are you aware that I obtained class III weapons (suppressors) without a background check thru NICS or DROS completely LEGALLY several times? I was able to use a trust account that I created on quicken will maker and a $10 notary charge at a mailbox etc. to obtain them legally. Granted, I am not a felon, nor have a DV misdemeanor conviction or active TRO against me on a NCIC file. I can buy any firearm I want, but should I be able to purchase these class III weapons (SBR’s, and suppressors) without a background check and just a $10 notary signature on a quicken will maker program? The answer is NO. I’m not even a resident of the state i purchased them in. Lock n Load just wanted money so they allow you to purchase class III weapons with just a notarized trust, military ID. Shame on you, Lock n Load. NFA and ATF need new laws and policies that do not allow loopholes such as this. In the end, I hope that you will realize that the small arms I utilize should not be accessed with the ease that I obtained them. Who in there right mind needs a fucking silencer!!! who needs a freaking SBR AR15? No one. No more Virginia Tech, Columbine HS, Wisconsin temple, Aurora theatre, Portland malls, Tucson rally, Newtown Sandy Hook. Whether by executive order or thru a bi-partisan congress an assault weapons ban needs to be re-instituted. Period!!!

Mia Farrow said it best. “Gun control is no longer debatable, it’s not a conversation, its a moral mandate.”

Sen. Feinstein, you are doing the right thing in leading the re-institution of a national AWB. Never again should any public official state that their prayers and thoughts are with the family. That has become cliche’ and meaningless. Its time for action. Let this be your legacy that you bestow to America. Do not be swayed by obstacles, antagaonist, and naysayers. Remember the innocent children at Austin, Kent, Stockton, Fullerton, San Diego, Iowa City, Jonesboro, Columbine, Nickel Mines, Blacksburg, Springfield, Red Lake, Chardon, Aurora, and Newtown. Make sure this never happens again!!!

In my cache you will find several small arms. In the cache, Bushmaster firearms, Remington precision rifles, and AAC Suppressors (silencers). All of these small arms are manufactured by Cerberus/Freedom Group. The same company responsible for the Portland mall shooting, Webster , NY, and Sandy Hook massacre.

You disrespect the office of the POTUS/Presidency and Commander in Chief. You call him Kenyan, mongroid, halfrican, muslim, and FBHO when in essence you are to address him as simply, President. The same as you did to President George W. Bush and all those in the highest ranking position of our land before him. Just as I always have. You question his birth certificate, his educational and professional accomplishments, and his judeo-christian beliefs. You make disparaging remarks about his dead parents. You never questioned the fact that his former opponent, the honorable Senator John McCain, was not born in the CONUS or that Bush had a C average in his undergrad. Electoral Candidates children (Romney) state they want to punch the president in the face during debates with no formal repercussions. No one even questioned the fact that the son just made a criminal threat toward the President. You call his wife a Wookie. Off the record, I love your new bangs, Mrs. Obama. A woman whose professional and educational accomplishments are second to none when compared to recent First wives. You call his supporters, whether black, brown, yellow, or white, leeches, FSA, welfare recipients, and ni$&er lovers. You say this openly without any discretion. Before you start with your argument that you believe I would vote for Obama because he has the same skin color as me, fuck you. I didn’t vote in this last election as my choice of candidate, John Huntsman, didn’t win the primary candidacy for his party. Mr. President, I haven’t agreed with all of your decisions but of course I haven’t agreed with all of your predecessors decisions. I think you’ve done a hell of a job with what you have been dealt and how you have managed it. I shed a tear the night you were initially elected President in 2008. I never thought that day would occur. A black man elected president in the U.S. in my lifetime. I cracked a smiled when you were re-elected in 2012 because I really didn’t think you were going to pull that one off. Romney, stop being a sore loser. You could’ve exited graciously and still contributed significantly to public service, not now. Mr. President, get back to work. Many want to see you fail as they have stated so many times previously. Unfortunately, if you fail, the U.S. fails but your opponents do not concern themselves about the big picture. Do not forget your commitment to transparency in your administration. Sometimes I believe your administration forgets that. America, you will realize today and tomorrow that this world is made up of all human beings who have the same general needs and wants in life for themselves, their kin, community, and state. That is the freedom to LIVE and LOVE. They may eat different foods, enjoy different music, have different dialects, or speak a second language, but in essence are no different from you and I. This is America. We are not a perfect sovereign country as we have our own flaws but we are the closest that will ever exist.

Unfortunately, this is not the first time an authoritative figure has lied on me.

Mr. Freid, assistant principal, Cypress HS. Remember when you lied to my mother and the police officer in your office about stating that you never stated to me in a private conversation that you know the theft suspect (Miranda) stole my watch. Let me refresh your memory. A physical education teachers assistant, a student, stole the list of combination codes to peoples lockers, from the P.E. teacher. That student then opened many of those lockers and stole students personal property. My watch was taken in that multi theft an I reported it to you. A week later you discovered that the theft suspect was Paul Miranda, a student. You stated to me in private that you know for a fact he stole my property. When I attempted to retrieve my property from the suspect. Campus security was called and you lied and stated that you never stated to me that you “know he stole my watch”. You sat there and lied to their faces right in front of me. You said it with such a deliberate, stern face. I never forgot that and was not surprised when 13 years later I was lied on again in the BOR by Teresa Evans. maybe you can confess to your family at the very least in the private of your own home. After that, contact my mother and apologize for lying to her in 1996.

If possible, I want my brain preserved for science/research to study the effects of severe depression on an individual’s brain. Since 6/26/08 when I was relieved of duty and 1/2/09 when I was terminated I have been afflicted with severe depression. I’ve had two CT scans during my lifetime that are in my medical record at Kaiser Permanente. Both are from concussions resulting from playing football. The first one was in high school, 10/96. The second was in college and occurred in 10/99. Both were conducted at Kaiser Permanente hospitals in LA/Orange county. These two CT scans should give a good baseline for my brain activity before severe depression began in late 2008.

Sure, many of you “law enforcement experts and specialist” will state, “in all my years this is the worst……..”, Stop!!! That’s not important. Ask yourselves what would cause somebody to take these drastic measures like I did. That’s what is important.

To my friends listed below, I wish we could have grown old together and spent more time together. When you reminisce of our friendship and experiences, think of that and that only. Do not dwell on my recent actions the last few days. This was a necessary evil that had to be executed in order for me to obtain my NAME back. The only thing that changes policy and garners attention is death.

Luis Sanchez, greatest friend, Marine officer, aviator, and an even better father and husband. I Couldn’t have had a better big brother than you. Your spoken wisdom was always retained by me, you old salty Mustang. You sternly told me that no matter what I accomplish I will always be a ni#%er in many individuals eyes. At the time, I did not comprehend your words. I do now. I never forgot the quote you state below. I love you bro.

I never saw a wild thing feel sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever feeling sorry for itself. –D.H. Lawrence

Jason Valadao, greatest friend, Naval officer, aviator, Great Father, husband, doctor, and even better human being. I always strived to live my life parallel to your similar values and personal disciplines. Danika is lucky to have found a man like yourself, and you are fortunate to have married an irrefutable imperfect woman. Always focus on your IMMEDIATE family as they are the ones who have loved you unconditionally and always been their to support you in difficult times. I always lived my life as WWJD (what would Jason do). Danika, take care of this guy. Jason, I’m sorry I missed your wedding and you had to find another best man. I’m sorry my predicament with the department stopped me from watching you and Danika get married and arguing with you about issues that were insignificant when I was really angry at the LAPD for what they did to me. I’m deeply sorry and I love you guys.

James Usera, great friend, attorney, father, husband, and the most cynical/blatant/politically incorrect friend a man can have. Best quality about you in college and now is that you never sugar coated the truth. I will miss our political discussions that always turned argumentative. Thanks for introducing me to outdoor sports like fishing, hunting, mudding, and also respect for the land and resources. Us city boys don’t get out much like you Alaskans. You even introduced me to PBR. A beer, that when you’re a poor college student is completely acceptable to get buzzed off of. I’m sorry I’ll never get to go on that moose and bear hunt with you. I love you bro.

Kinta Smith, greatest friend, accountant, entrepreneur, and even better Human being. You are probably the most well balanced person I’ve ever met and the most driven for success. In college, and after graduation, I was inspired by your personal drive. Never settle. When you make your first million, promise me you won’t forget to enjoy it a bit. I know your first reaction will be to invest it somewhere else. Spend a little, just a little. I love you bro.

Jason Young, great friend, entrepeneur, husband and father. You showed me the importance of fatherhood and friendship. Love you bro.

Suzie Clark Cunningham, Kassandra Harrell, Melinda Yates, Cal Jackson, Ryan Smith, The Rebelledos, The Banks, Ben Bines, J. Work, Bill O’neill, Jeremy Fletcher, and Rob Harriston.

You guys were all important and very special to me. Don’t be angry with me. I missed some of your weddings and unfortunately, some of your funerals. This was a necessary evil.

Some say it is my fault that I was terminated. Yes, DDX, I remember you stating this to me in an angry fit. You said that I should have kept my mouth shut about another officer’s misconduct. Maybe you were right. But I’m not built like others, it’s not in my DNA and my history has always shown that. When you view the video of the suspect stating he was kicked by Evans, maybe you will see that I was a decent person after all. I told the truth. It still hurt that you abandoned me in my time of need. I hope you’re happy, that’s all I ever wanted for you.

Sgt. Leonard Perez, you meant well but you should have known with your time on the job that the department would attempt to protect someone like Evans because of her time on the job, personal friendships, and ethicity. I’m not angry with you, but you should have known as an IA investigator.

Sgt Maggie Faust LPPD, Ofcr John Thomas LPPD (ret), and Chief Eric Nunez LPPD, your guidance and mentoring as a young police explorer was second to none and invaluable as a young man, police officer, and naval officer. Sgt Faust, you forewarned me long ago about joining LAPD as they were “different” and operated differently from other modern law enforcement agencies. I now know it was your humbleness and respect for all who wear the badge and protect their communities that you didn’t just express what you wanted to say, that they lack values and basic ethics as law enforcement officers. Chief Nunez, your fucking awesome. Thanks for the long talks over the years when I was an explorer, college student, Naval officer, and Police officer. Your are a great leader and carry your heart on your sleeve. Your son will be a great Air Force officer with the upringing you provided. John, what can I say? Your just an awesome person and my first exposure to what law enforcement was really about was on our ride alongs. Your realistic approach and empathetic approach to treating all people as humans first is something I carried with me daily. Thank you, every one of you.

Dr. Funahashi, thank you for the superb surgery you performed on my knee on 7/98 in Irvine, CA. I never had the opportunity to thank you for allowing me to live a life free of knee joint pain. Thank you.

CM1 Bissett (Ret.), I learned more from you about leadership than most of my own commanders. You lived by a strict ethos of get it done, and get it done right. I wanted to attend your retirement, I really did. But because of my predicament I was unable to. Hope you and Ritchie are still together. I’ve always held you in high regard.

Sgt Maj. Kenneth “Rock” Rocquemore USMC, Thank you for the intense instruction and mentorship and time spent forging me into a never quit officer. You were challenging as a DI. You made sure the vicious and intense personality I possess was discovered. On a lighter note….Don’t feel humbled you never broke me. I made it a personal goal to never give up years before. The Corp is lucky to have you at the front. Your leadership is essential and needed for all marines, especially staff NCO’s and mentorship and advisement to company grade officers. You are the epitome of a US marine and never forget that.

I thank my friends for the awesome shared experiences. I thank the unnamed women I dated over my lifetime for the great and sometimes not so great sex.

It’s kind of sad I won’t be around to view and enjoy The Hangover III. What an awesome trilogy. Todd Phillips, don’t make anymore Hangovers after the third, takes away the originality of its foundation. World War Z looks good and The Walking Dead season 3 (second half) looked intriguing. Damn, gonna miss shark week.

Mr. Vice President, do your due diligence when formulating a concise and permanent national AWB plan. Future generations of Americans depend on your plan and advisement to the president. I’ve always been a fan of yours and consider you one of the few genuine and charismatic politicians. Damn, sounds like an oxymoron calling you an honest politician. It’s the truth.

Hillary Clinton. You’ll make one hell of a president in 2016. Much like your husband, Bill, you will be one of the greatest. Look at Castro in San Antonio as a running mate or possible secretary of state. He’s (good people) and I have faith and confidence in him. Look after Bill. He was always my favorite President. Chelsea grew up to be one hell of an attractive woman. No disrespect to her husband.

Gov. Chris Christie. What can I say? You’re the only person I would like to see in the White House in 2016 other than Hillary. You’re America’s no shit taking uncle. Do one thing for your wife, kids, and supporters. Start walking at night and eat a little less, not a lot less, just a little. We want to see you around for a long time. Your leadership is greatly needed.

Wayne LaPierre, President of the NRA, you’re a vile and inhumane piece of shit. You never even showed 30 seconds of empathy for the children, teachers, and families of Sandy Hook. You deflected any type of blame/responsibility and directed it toward the influence of movies and the media. You are a failure of a human being. May all of your immediate and distant family die horrific deaths in front of you.

Chris Matthews, Joe Scarborough, Pat Harvey, Brian Williams, Soledad Obrien, Wolf Blitzer, Meredith Viera, Tavis Smiley, and Anderson Cooper, keep up the great work and follow Cronkite’s lead. I hold many of you in the same regard as Tom Brokaw and the late Peter Jennings. Cooper, stop nagging and berating your guest, they’re your (guest). Mr. Scarborough, we met at McGuire’s pub in P-cola in 2002 when I was stationed there. It was an honor conversing with you about politics, family, and life.

Willie Geist, you’re a talented and charismatic journalist. Stop with all the talk show shenanigans and get back to your core of reporting. Your future is brighter than most.

Revoke the citizenship of Fareed Zakaria and deport him. I’ve never heard a positive word about America or its interest from his mouth, ever. On the same day, give Piers Morgan an indefinite resident alien and Visa card. Mr. Morgan, the problem that many American gun owners have with you and your continuous discussion of gun control is that you are not an American citizen and have an accent that is distinct and clarifies that you are a foreigner. I want you to know that I agree with you 100% on enacting stricter firearm laws but you must understand that your critics will always have in the back of their mind that you are native to a country that we won our sovereignty from while using firearms as a last resort in defense and you come from a country that has no legal private ownership of firearms. That is disheartening to American gun owners and rightfully so.

The honorable President George H.W. Bush, they never give you enough credit for your successful Presidency. You were always one of my favorite Presidents (2nd favorite). I hope your health improves greatly. You are the epitome of an American and service to country.

General Petraeus, you made a mistake that the majority of men make once, twice, or unfortunately many times in a lifetime. You are human. You thought with your penis. It’s okay.I personally believe you should have never resigned and told your critics to shove it. You only answer to two people regarding the affair, your wife and children, period. I hope you return to government service to your country as it is visibly in your DNA.

General Colin Powell, your book “My American Journey” solidified my decision to join the military after college. I had always intended to serve, but your book and journey motivated me. You are an inspiration to all Americans and influenced me greatly.

To all SEA’s (senior enlisted advisers), you are just as important if not a greater viability to large and small commands. It’s time you take a more active role in leading your enlisted and advising officers. These are not your twilight years or time to relax. You can either strengthen the tip of the spear, or make it brittle. You decide.

Pat Harvey, I’ve always thought you carried yourself professionally and personally the way a strong black woman should. Your articulation and speech is second to none. You are the epitome of a journalist/anchor. You are America.

Ellen Degeneres, continue your excellent contribution to entertaining America and bringing the human factor to entertainment. You changed the perception of your gay community and how we as Americans view the LGBT community. I congratulate you on your success and opening my eyes as a young adult, and my generation to the fact that you are know different from us other than who you choose to love. Oh, and you Prop 8 supporters, why the fuck do you care who your neighbor marries. Hypocritical pieces of shit.

Westboro Baptist Church, may you all burn slowly in a fire, not from smoke inhalation, but from the flames and only the flames.

Tebow, I really wanted to see you take charge of an offense again and the game. You are not a good QB by todays standards, but you are a great football player who knows how to lead a team and WIN. You will be “Tebowing” when you reach your next team. I have faith in you. Get out of that circus they call the Jets and away from the reality TV star, Rex Ryan, and Mark Rapist Sanchez.

Christopher Walz, you impressed me in Inglorious Basterds. After viewing Django Unchained, I was sold. I have come to the conclusion that you are well on your way to becoming one of the greats if not already and show glimpses of Daniel Day Lewis and Morgan Freeman-esque type qualities of greatness. Trust me when I say that you will be one of the greatest ever.

Jennifer Beals, Serena Williams, Grae Drake, Lisa Nicole-Carson, Diana Taurasi, N’bushe Wright, Brenda Villa, Kate Winslet, Ashley Graham, Erika Christensen, Gabrielle Union, Isabella Soprano, Zain Verjee, Tamron Hall, Gina Carano, America Ferrara, Giana Michaels, Nene, Natalie Portman, Queen Latifah, Michelle Rodriguez, Anjelah Johnson, Kelly Clarkson, Nora Jones, Laura Prepon, Margaret Cho, and Rutina Wesley, you are THEMOST beautiful women on this planet, period. Never settle, professionally or personally.

Dave Brubeck’s “Take Five” is the greatest piece of music ever, period. Hanz Zimmer, William Bell, Eric Clapton, BB King, Bob Marley, Sam Cooke, Metallica, Rob Zombie, Nora Jones, Marvin Gaye, Jay-Z, and the King (Louis Armstrong) are musical prodigies.

Jeffrey Toobin and David Gergen, you are political geniuses and modern scholars. Hopefully Toobin is nominated for the Supreme Court and implements some damn common sense and reasoning instead of partisan bickering. But in true Toobin fashion, we all know he would not accept the nomination.


John and Ken from KFI, never mute your facts and personal opinions. You are one of the few media personalities who speak the truth, even when the truth is not popular. I will miss listening to your discussions.

Bill Handel, your effin awesome. For years I enjoyed your show.

Anthony Bourdain, you’re a modern renaissance man who epitomizes the saying “too cool for school”.

Larry David, Kevin Hart, the late Patrice Oneal, Lisa Lampanelli, Chris Rock, Jerry Seinfeld, Louis CK, Dave Chapelle, Jon Stewart, Wanda Sykes, Dennis Miller, and Jeff Ross are pure geniuses. I’m a big fan of all of your work. As a child my mom caught me watching Def Jam comedy at midnight when I should have been asleep. Instead of scolding me, the next night she let me stay up late and watch George Carlin, Eddie Murphy and Richard Pryor comedy specials with her for hours. My sides were sore for days.

Larry David, I agree. 72-82 degrees is way to hot in a residence. 68 , degrees is perfect.

Cyclist, I have no problem sharing the road with you. But, at least go the fucking speed limit posted or get off the road!!! That is a feasible request. Livestrong you fraudulent assholes.

Cardinal Mahoney, you are in essence a predator yourself as you enabled your subordinates to molest multiple children in the church over many decades. May you die a long and slow painful death.

If you continuously followed me while I was walking at dusk/night I would confront you as well. Too bad Trayvon didn’t smash your skull completely open, Zim. While Trayvon’s body erodes to bones 6 feet under, Zimmerman has put on no less than 40 pounds while out on bail. Zimmerman was arrested for battery on a Peace officer and avoided jail/prison because he completed a diversion program. Thats a history of being an asshole. Zimmerman couldn’t get hired by a LE agency because of poor credit/and a history of violence/restraining orders with women. So what does he do? Designate himself, neighborhood watch captain and make complaints to his city council about the horrible work ethic and laziness of the officers patrolling his neighborhood. Good one Zim. How classy that your father attempts to use his veterans status “disabled veteran” during your bail hearing but doesn’t state what his disability percentage is. Prior service personnel know it can be 5% disability to 100%. You and your attorneys always avoid mentioning your fathers occupation as a magistrate/judge because I’m sure he’s utilized his position to get you out of way more jams then the public has discovered and that your family is not indigent. Oh, tell your wife to stop perjuring herself in court.


Anonymous, you are hated, vilified, and considered an enemy to the state. I personally view you as a culture and a necessity that brings truth to a cloaked world. Forge ahead!

Charlie Sheen, you’re effin awesome.

My opinion on women in combat MOS’, Designators, Rates, and AFSC’s. I wish all of you who attempt to pursue combat occupational roles the greatest success in completing, graduating, and qualifying in their respective schools/courses. Many want to see you fail. Remember, everyone of you is a pioneer. There was a time when they didn’t allow blacks to fight the good fight. This is your civil rights. Don’t quit!!!

It’s time to allow gay service member’s spouses to utilize the same benefits that all heterosexual dependents are eligible for. Medical, Dental, Tricare, Deers, SGLI, BX, Commissary, Milstar, MWR, etc. Flag officers, lets be honest. You can’t really give a valid argument to as why gays shouldn’t be eligible as every month a new state enacts laws that allow same sex marriage.

LGBT community and supporters, the same way you have the right to voice your opinion on acceptance of gay marriage, Chick Fil-A has a right to voice their beliefs as well. That’s what makes America so great. Freedom of expression. Don’t be assholes and boycott/degrade their business and customers who patronize the locations. They make some damn good chicken! Vandalizing (graffiti) their locations does not help any cause.

Mr. Bill Cosby, you are a reasonable and talented man who has spoken the truth of the cultural anomalies within the black communities that need to change now. The black communities’ resentment toward you is because they don’t like hearing the truth or having their clear and evident dirty laundry aired to the nation. The problem is, the country is not blind nor dumb. They believe we are animals. Do not mute your unvarnished truthful speech or moral compass. Blacks must strive for more in life than bling, hoes, and cars. The current culture is an epidemic that leaves them with no discernible future. They’re suffocating and don’t even know it. MLK Jr. Would be mortified at what he worked so hard for in our acceptance as equal beings and how unfortunately we stopped progressing and began digressing. Chicago’s youth violence is a prime example of how our black communities values have declined. We can not address this nation’s intolerant issues until we address our own communities morality issues first. Accountability. We need to hold ou”


External References

Sentenciador del Crimen Creepy Pasta


Es un creepy pasta basado en un justiciero que procede desde el Mundo de los Muertos tras haber sido asesinado por unos criminales. Este justiciero que procede desde el Mundo de los Muertos fue asesinado por unos criminales. Vuelve para vengarse y luchar por la justicia eternamente debido a que hace un pacto con Dios, Satán y la Muerte a cambio de obtener la inmortalidad.

Sus orígenes se remontan en la red social Tuenti cuando un usuario creo un perfil en esta red haciéndose pasar por un justiciero para incitar o animar a otras personas a que luchen contra el crimen además de criticar aspectos del mundo así como la corrupción, la maldad y ambición humana. Después de un tiempo de reflexión (según se rumorea) esta persona que se hizo pasar por un justiciero convirtió la ficticia identidad que poseía en un personaje de ficción que lucharía contra el crimen dentro de historias que el mismo ya había escrito simultáneamente.

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