#WhoIsBeck is a Twitter hashtag launched after singer-songwriter Beck Hansen won Album of the Year at the 57th Grammy Awards in February 2015. Beyoncé fans upset at her loss started the tag when Academy members chose the alternative rock singer over better selling pop artists and fellow nominees Ed Sheeran, Beyoncé, Pharrell Williams, and Sam Smith for the award.
The 57th Annual Grammy Awards were held on February 8, 2015.[5] The Album of the Year award was given to musician Beck for his album Morning Phase, beating out several other albums, most notably pop artist Beyoncé Knowles’ self-titled album. The move was seen as strange by critics, as Beck had kept a fairly low profile in the popular eye since his peak in the 1990s.
The same night the award was given, Buzzfeed posted an article compiling tweets made my individuals who had not heard of Beck prior to the event.[2] On February 9, the day after, the hastag #WhoIsBeck began to trend, which was noted by several websites, including Billboard.[1][3][4]
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External Links
[1]Billboard – Who is Beck?
[2]Buzzfeed – A Lot Of People Don’t Know Who Beck Is
[3]BrooklynVegan – #JUSTICEFORBEYONCE& ‘Who is Beck’ trending on Twitter
[4]IBTimes – ‘Who Is Beck’ Trends On Twitter After Singer Wins Album Of The Year For ‘Morning Phase’
[5]Wikipedia – 57th Annual Grammy Awards