The Charlie Charlie Challenge is a supernatural ritual type of trend in which the individual attempts to summon a Mexican demon named “Charlie”. They must place two pencils on top of each other to form a plus shape, while writing a Yes and No twice on paper in between them. Individuals are supposed to first chant “Charlie, Charlie, can we play?” twice, and wait to see if the crossed pencil points towards Yes or No. Then, they must ask permission to stop the game by chanting “Charlie, Charlie can we stop?”, until the pencil points to ‘Yes’.
On May 25th, The Vigilant Christian YouTube channel posted a video about the challenge, which criticized the practice for “calling upon demons” (shown below).
That day, Twitter user RicexGum posted a photograph of a piece of paper with the words “Download my mixtape fam” with the hashtag “#charliecharliechallenge” (shown below). In the first 24 hours, the tweet gained over 2,600 favorites and 2,000 retweets.