Law & Order is a franchise of American police-procedural legal TV drama series created by Dick Wolf and originally broadcast on NBC, beginning with the premiere of the titular series Law & Order in September 1990. With its continuous run for two decades, the series was recognized as the “longest-running crime drama on American primetime television” at the time of the finale broadcast in May 2010.
Set in New York City, each episode of Law & Order begins with the police investigation of a crime and subsequent apprehension of a suspect led by two detectives and their commanding officer, with the latter half detailing the prosecution of the defendant by the District Attorney’s Office.
In 1988, Dick Wolf developed a concept for a new television series that would illustrate the inner workings of the American criminal justice system in an hour-long episode, from the criminal investigation and arrest of a suspect by the police to the prosecution of the defendant by the district attorney’s office. After pitching the show and the pilot episode to all three major U.S. broadcast networks, the series was picked up by NBC for a full season, premiering on September 13th, 1990. Over the course of the following two decades, the show ran for 20 seasons, consisting of 456 episodes in total, before the finale episode aired on May 24th, 2010.
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